This plant is the father of Hawthorn, one fruit of 500 grams, the profit is so strong that we will start farming today itself.

This plant is the father of Hawthorn, one fruit of 500 grams, the profit is so strong that we will start farming today itself.

Report- Sawan Kumar
Buxar. exotic fruit dragon fruit Has liked the native land. Now it is flourishing here also. Thanks to this, farmers are also flourishing. Dragon fruit is now being cultivated extensively in Bihar also. There is less hard work and lots of profit in this. It is also beneficial for health.

Farmers of Bihar have also started cultivating dragon fruit. The reason for this is that farmers earn huge income from this. That’s why they are inclined towards this exotic fruit. Baikunth Tiwari is also cultivating dragon fruit near Tiwaripur in Padri village, just a short distance from the district headquarters. Baikunth Tiwari started cultivating it after taking advice from his younger brother and then felt that the decision was right.

Information collected from across the country
Baikunth Tiwari was so passionate about dragon fruit cultivation that he visited many places in the country and collected information about it. He says that he had only heard about this fruit. There was no specific information about how to cultivate it. Took some information from YouTube, but this information was not enough. After that visited many areas of the country. Stayed there for several days and learned about its plants and farming.

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Environment and climate the biggest challenge
Baikunth Tiwari told Local 18 that the biggest challenge in cultivating dragon fruit is the environment and climate. To know this closely, I stayed with a farmer from Haryana and observed it. Stayed at the farmer’s plot for 10 days and learned about the maintenance and farming of rocket dragon fruit. The same process was adopted in Buxar. He told that the weather of Haryana and Bihar is similar, hence he brought dragon fruit plant from Haryana itself. In the beginning, the people of the village used to make fun of the dragon fruit plant. People used to ask where he had brought the wild plant from. He felt disappointed after listening to the words of the people, but he kept moving forward with the desire to do something. Made the farm suitable for dragon fruit. When the plant started bearing fruits, it seemed that the hard work had been successful.

153 varieties of dragon fruit
Baikunth Tiwari claims that dragon fruit appears to be just a wild plant. Whereas this fruit is full of medicinal properties. Its demand is tremendous in the market also. People do not know that there are 153 varieties of dragon fruit available in the world. At present he is cultivating three varieties of dragon fruit. In the first year, fruits weighing 450 grams were produced. This time it is estimated that this time one fruit will weigh up to 600 grams. He told that the entire cultivation of dragon fruit is organic based. Not a single chemical is used in it. From organic fertilizers to pesticides, we prepare it ourselves.

This fruit is completely Ayurvedic
Baikunth Tiwari told Local 18 that in the first year of farming, 500 dragon fruits were produced from half an acre. First fed these fruits to the villagers and distributed some. People liked its taste. Just after that it started becoming customers. Nowadays, people come from far and wide to buy this fruit. Baikunth told that this fruit is completely Ayurvedic and has many benefits. By consuming it regularly, one can get relief from diseases like cancer. This fruit has the ability to stop cancer cells as far as they have grown in the body. He told that this fruit is sold both by the piece and by the kilo. Last year, dragon fruit was sold at Rs 50 per kg.

Tags: buxar news, Dragon, Local18, Medicinal Farming

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