This special ‘churan’ of Kanpur makes the digestion difficult, the taste is such that if the wedding guests don’t get it, they will go to Russia, this is the recipe.

This special ‘churan’ of Kanpur makes the digestion difficult, the taste is such that if the wedding guests don’t get it, they will go to Russia, this is the recipe.

Buknu Recipe: ‘Food’ holds the most special place in our childhood memories and if you are from Uttar Pradesh then ‘Buknu’ will definitely be a part of your memories. This Buknu, which has spread the magic of taste across North India, originated from the streets of Kanpur. Today, Buknu has become a medicine that helps in indigestion for people in many parts of the world. Whether you want to eat it by applying it on pulses, vegetables or rotis or want to enhance the taste of Chauraha chaat, Buknu is the only medicine for every problem. Not only the taste, this churan is also the best friend of your stomach. Let us tell you the benefits of Buknu and the recipe of this special Churan of Kanpur,

It is said that Buknu originated from Nayaganj market of Kanpur. Originating from here, this Buknu has started appearing in many planetary industries and spice brands. This Buknu of Kanpur is now available not only in Uttar Pradesh but also in Rajasthan, Maharashtra as well as Germany, France and America. Today, more than 10,000 brands are making this Buknu spice which gives taste and digestion. Whenever you feel that you have eaten too much, you can digest it by eating this book. Some indigenous medicines are used in making it, which are very beneficial for your health. Let us tell you its recipe.

Many such spices are added to Bukunu which are very beneficial for taste as well as health.

Plain salt – 250 grams
Black salt – 125 grams
Rock salt – 50 grams
Turmeric – 75 grams
Big myrobalan, small myrobalan – both 50 grams
Baheda – 50 grams
Dried gooseberry – 50 grams
Cumin – 25 grams
Celery – 25 grams
Fennel – 25 grams
Big cardamom – 25 grams
Black pepper – 25 grams
Dry ginger – 25 grams
Pepper – 20 grams
Bicolor – 20 grams
Torso pod – 20 grams
Small cardamom – 10 grams
Nausadar (edible) – 10 grams
Asafoetida – 5 grams


  1. Of the ingredients we have mentioned above, some things are fried in mustard oil while some things are dry roasted. First fry some ingredients in mustard oil.
  2. Take 100 grams mustard oil in a pan. Heat it lightly. Now fry the big myrobalan in it on low flame. Fry all the spices on low flame only.
  3. Now fry dry ginger, turmeric, small myrobalan and baheda one by one in oil. Fry dry ginger and turmeric in oil for about 2 minutes and rest of the ingredients for about 1 minute.
  4. Now we have to dry roast some ingredients. Take a pen for this. Now first of all fry the Amla for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Now in the same pan, fry the twisted pods for 2-3 minutes, then the Baibarang. After this, roast big cardamom and pepper together. Now add cumin, celery and fennel together and fry. After frying them for 1 minute, add asafoetida.
  6. There is no need to fry salt, Nausadaar, small cardamom and black pepper.
  7. First grind turmeric, black myrobalan, fennel and bay leaves in a mortar and then grind them in a mixer. Also add some salt while grinding.
  8. Now add dry roasted spices in the same jar and grind it in the mixer. Add some salt in this also.
  9. Now put all the remaining spices in the jar and grind them. Remember that you have to grind this masala coarsely.
  10. Mix all these ingredients together. Pour the remaining sendha nakam on top.
  11. Now mix all these spices well and then filter them in another vessel. Grind the coarse masala left in the sieve during filtering once again and mix it with this masala. Now your book is ready.

Bukunu is such a healthy powder that it can give you relief from problems like stomach ache, constipation, gas or indigestion. Even if some of the ingredients mentioned above are less, you can still make Bukunu with the remaining ingredients.

Tags: food, Food Recipe

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