This strange snake lives on trees, looks like a branch swaying in the wind, teasing is like inviting death!

Usambara vine snake: Usambara Vine Snake is a very strange snake. It lives on trees. The surprising thing about it is that it looks like a branch of a tree swaying in the wind. This highly poisonous snake is of shy nature, which does not attack in advance. Teasing it means inviting death, because there is no antivenom for its poison. Due to which the victim may also die.

According to the report of, the venom of this snake is hemotoxic, due to which the bite can cause uncontrolled bleeding in the victim. Their teeth are sharp. The Sambara vine snake is the rarest of the bird snakes, found only in small areas in Tanzania, Kenya and Mozambique. These snakes eat frogs, lizards and birds. Their head is green in colour.

The picture of this snake has been posted on the social media platform X (earlier Twitter) by a user named @gorgone971, in which you can see how this snake looks.

See here- Usambara vine snake Twitter Viral Image

How do these snakes look?

Usambara vine snakes are long and thin. Their heads are also long. These snakes can be up to three to four feet long. On whose body brown, grey, yellow, green and cream colors can be seen. Their scientific name is Thelotornis usambaricus. These snakes are very peaceful, but if provoked, they inflate their throats and move their shiny tongues.

How dangerous is its poison?

The bite of the Usambara vine snake can be fatal. Its poison is hemotoxic, causing severe bleeding inside and outside the victim’s body. After being bitten by this snake, the victim may suffer from headache, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty in urination, difficulty in breathing and coma. In some cases the victim may even die.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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