This Time Do Not Apply Blue And Green Color Even By Mistake It May Affect Your Eyes

This Time Do Not Apply Blue And Green Color Even By Mistake It May Affect Your Eyes

Holi is a festival of colors, on this day you get to see different colors all over India. Red, blue, yellow, green, pink and don’t know which colours. But do you know that out of this blue and green color is most harmful for your health. Therefore, if you are playing Holi this time, then you should avoid blue and green colors. However, if your color is organic and completely chemical free, then you do not need to worry, then you can play Holi using any color you want.

Why green and blue are more dangerous

In this way, you can use any color while playing Holi, but while pouring it on someone, make sure that the color does not enter his eyes. If color or gulal goes into someone’s eyes, then it can prove to be very harmful for health. But if this color is blue-green and it enters your eyes, then the condition of your eyes can worsen further. This is because most of the chemical elements are used to make green and blue colours.

Deadly chemical is used in these colors

You would be surprised to know that Malakiddie is mostly used to make green colour. Many times Malakiddye is used more to make the color thicker, which is very harmful for our health. Let us tell you that Malakiddye is mainly used for coloring clothes. If this chemical goes into your eyes in any form, it can cause dangerous damage to the cornea of ​​your eyes.

Eyes are the most problem in Holi

Experts believe that during Holi, the biggest problem people face is due to color in their eyes. On the evening of Holi or after Holi, all the patients who reach the hospital with problems related to colors, most of them have the same problem that the colors in their eyes have gone away, after which they are having pain in the eyes and the eyes are red. Has happened. Actually, when any dangerous color enters your eyes and it remains in the eyes for some time, then you are at risk of getting conjunctival edema. Therefore, if the color in your eyes goes away while playing Holi, then first of all wash your eyes with water and if still your problem is not cured then contact the doctor immediately.

read this also: From Jutamar to Chhatri Holi… Holi is played in these unique ways in India

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