This woman roaming around making 7000 boyfriends, earns 2 crores in 1 month! Looking for a lover with this one quality

This woman roaming around making 7000 boyfriends, earns 2 crores in 1 month!  Looking for a lover with this one quality

In today’s time, people are not able to spend their life without making boyfriend-girlfriend. Many people fall in love right from school-college and some are not able to fall in love till their growing age. But there are some people, whom many people love, but they ignore their love in search of their Mr. or Miss Right. A woman living in America also does the same. She has thousands of boyfriends (Model 7000 boyfriends), yet she is looking for a special kind of man whom she can make her lover.

According to the report of the Daily Star News website, 25-year-old Nala Ray, a resident of California, is a model on Onlyfans and people subscribe to her account by paying money to see her obscene photos and videos. She recently told how many boyfriends she has. The model said that she has 7000 boyfriends (California woman have 7000 boyfriends) but all of them are her boyfriends in the online world. Whoever meets them in real life gets scared of them seeing their beauty, wealth and mannerisms and does not approach them.

There are more than 7 thousand boyfriends
He says that men consider him quite intimidating. Because of this, they become very possessive, that is, they start controlling Nala, which they do not like at all. Because of this, he made online boyfriends, whose number is close to 7 thousand. Online boyfriends cannot be possessive. She told that she wakes up every morning and sends such a message to her boyfriends that will make them happy. Then some of them message her and she starts talking to them. She then talks to him about her life, about the day ahead and about the previous night, as people in love usually do.

earns crores of rupees in a month
She said that she has two options when it comes to dating, either she chooses a person in real life who hates her for being famous, gets angry with her clothes and work and cannot accept that she is. earns big money. Or they choose online lovers who adopt them in the same way. Because of this, she always chooses online dating. However, she is still looking for a boyfriend in real life who can adopt her lifestyle, looks and also accept the fact that she earns more money. According to the Daily Star, Nala earns up to Rs 2 crore in a month.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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