This woman’s hair was auctioned for lakhs, know what is so special about it

You must have seen or bought many expensive things in your life. But have you ever heard that a woman’s hair was sold for lakhs of rupees and there was a competition to buy it? Actually, a similar case has come to light from South Korea. Let us tell you about this matter in detail.

What is the whole matter?

Actually, this matter is about the singer of South Korea’s famous band IVF. Engaged with Won-young. Actually, at present South Korean musical bands are famous all over the world. The youth are crazy for them. You will find lakhs of his fans on the internet. This is the reason why the price of things related to them is also very high.

Three hairs cost lakhs

You will be surprised to know that South Korea’s famous Band IVE singer Jang Won-young’s three hairs were bought by one of her fans in an auction by paying around Rs 1.6 lakh. The biggest thing is that this person is not from South Korea but from China. The purchase of this hair by a Chinese person shows how much craze there is for South Korean musical bands there. However, people on social media are also calling it madness. People say that you can be someone’s fan, but you cannot be so crazy about someone that you spend lakhs for three hairs of his.

Online auction< /strong>

1200 people from all over the world participated in this unique auction of three hairs. Whereas, there were 15 people who were bidding enthusiastically. However, in the end, a person from China bought these three hairs by bidding the highest amount. Let us tell you, the auctioneers claim that this hair is absolutely genuine and belongs to Jung Won-young. He has even claimed that if the buyer sees any problem in this hair or has any kind of doubt, then he can also get its DNA test done. However, the cost of this test will have to be borne by the buyer himself. 

Also read: I am going to sell the bike only, I am not from this country, Pakistanis make such strange excuses for not wearing a helmet 

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