Those who cannot speak, now they will also speak fearlessly, scientists have created such a device, as soon as you put it on, your closed vocal card will open.

Those who cannot speak, now they will also speak fearlessly, scientists have created such a device, as soon as you put it on, your closed vocal card will open.

Many people are unable to speak due to damage to the vocal card or throat. Or have difficulty speaking. According to the report of the World Health Organization, there are more than 10 lakh people in the world who cannot speak. This problem is increasing very fast. Many children are born with this disease. That is, at the time of birth, their vocal card does not open enough to make a sound. They are unable to talk for the rest of their lives. But now a ray of hope has arisen for such people. Scientists have created such a device which, as soon as it is installed, will open the closed vocal card.

According to the report published in the Nature Communications journal on March 12, scientists at the University of California have prepared a patch that can be worn around the neck externally. This flexible device detects the movements of the neck muscles and converts them into sound. This means that even if your throat is not functioning, you will still be able to speak. The most important thing is that this device does not require any battery or plug to operate. It generates electricity by itself using the movement of the throat. It is operated from that.

Where did this idea come from?
When Professor Jun Chen, the leader of the team that made the equipment, was asked where he got this idea from? Then he said, once I was giving a lecture. We kept talking for several hours and at one point I felt that my throat was getting tired. The sound is not coming out. Then I thought whether we can make something which does not require speaking loudly. Which can help our throat. This idea came from there. When the work started, the results were shocking. With the help of this device you can speak without hurting your vocal cords. We are calling it vocal fold.

the voice can come back again
The professor said, this will be a panacea for those who have lost the ability to speak. His voice will be able to come back again. Many people lose their voice after throat cancer surgery, this will be very helpful for them also. They will be able to talk without any problem. This patch has been made by mixing iron and gallium. When any kind of pressure comes on it, it starts showing magnetic properties. The new patch works on this technology. When the muscles of the throat stretch or expand, it uses it to create sound, and converts it into electrical signals. Which later comes out as sound.

Patch made of five very thin layers
This patch is made of five very thin layers. The outer layer is made of very soft, flexible silicone. The middle layer is made of silicon and micromagnet, which generates a magnetic field. It varies with the movement of the throat muscles. Two layers of copper wire coils around it convert these magnetic-field changes into electrical signals. The people involved in the research repeated the five sentences 100 times and you will be surprised to know that 95% of the correct sounds came out. The special thing is, these were the sounds that people made while walking and running.

Tags: Bizarre news, OMG News, trending news, Viral news

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