Thousands of eyes are present on the body of this creature, where is this creature found?

There are millions of species of creatures present in the world. These creatures also have different specialties for which they are known. But today we are going to tell you about a creature which has thousands of eyes on its body. Scientists have done research on this creature, so that it can be known whether this creature really works to see with these thousands of eyes. 
They are all over the body. Only eyes

Let us tell you that scientists have found a whole group of strange sea creatures. These creatures look quite strange in appearance. There are thousands of eyes present on the body of this creature. Let us tell you that these creatures of Catan species are like snails, which have shells on their bodies. But the most surprising thing is that there are thousands of eyes on their shells, which have lenses. These are very small and work like sensory organs. They play a role in recognizing shapes and light. These work in the same way as the eyes of a fly.

What did the scientists say?

According to the study published in Science, Catan The eyes of our ancestors were different. But these develop slowly. The lead of the study is Rebecca Varney, who is from California Santa Barbara University. According to him, their eyes have evolved in two ways, but they have four different origins. Let us tell you that their eyes have developed in different ways in four times. Apart from this, their eye spots must have been formed millions of years ago, while larger shells must have come after that. Their shells are eroded, so that their nerves can reach the body.

Different creatures

Scientists constantly discover such creatures in their research, Which look completely different on this nature. For example, there are some fishes which are known on the basis of their size and ability to move in water. Apart from this, some animals are known for their voice and speed. Research by scientists around the world on animals is continuing. 

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