Prime Minister Narendra Modi Reached the Indian Navy Dockyard in Mumbai on Wednesday (15 January 2025). Here he dedicated three warships of the Navy – INS Surat, INS Nilgiri and INS Waghshir to the country. PM Modi said, “Navy has a glorious history. These three warships are made in India, which will give new strength to security. This will save the entire region from terrorism and drug smuggling.”
PM said, “Navy has got new strength. We are taking steps to strengthen the Navy. Today is a big day for the glorious history of India’s maritime heritage Navy and the Self-reliant India campaign. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Gave a new capability and vision. Today, for the first time, we are taking a big step towards strengthening the 21st century Navy. It is a matter of pride that all three submarines are being commissioned together.
PM Modi said, “Today India is being recognized as a reliable and responsible partner throughout the world and especially in the Global South. India works in the spirit of development, not expansionism. January 15 is celebrated as Army Day. I also salute every brave warrior who has dedicated his life to protect the country.
PM Modi said, “India has always supported an open, secure, inclusive and prosperous Indo-Pacific region, hence when it came to the development of coastal countries, India gave the mantra of SAGAR. SAGAR means for all in the region. Security and development.”
(This story is being updated…)