To get relief from constipation and indigestion, drink any one of these 5 things mixed with milk.

Constipation: Nowadays the trend of eating out is going on rapidly. People are liking junk foods very much. Stomach related problems are increasing due to continuously eating outside food. One of these problems is constipation. Due to which digestion gets disturbed and the stomach does not get cleaned. There are many powders and medicines in the market to get relief from constipation but many of them are not very effective. In such a situation, today we are telling you a panacea home remedy to get rid of constipation…

5 home remedies to get rid of constipation

1. Milk-Garlic

If you drink milk mixed with garlic before sleeping at night, you can get relief from constipation quickly. This can also remove the problem of indigestion and provide relief very soon. Therefore, clove and garlic are considered very beneficial.

2. Milk-asafoetida

To get rid of constipation and indigestion, drinking asafoetida mixed with milk can be beneficial. Drinking a glass of warm milk mixed with a little asafoetida before sleeping at night can provide a lot of relief till morning.

3. Milk-Dates

If you are troubled by indigestion and constipation then you can consume milk and dates. With this, stomach health can improve very soon. The fiber found in dates is considered very beneficial for the stomach and digestion.

4. Milk-Jaggery

Milk and jaggery are very useful in quickly removing problems like constipation and indigestion. Drinking milk mixed with jaggery keeps the stomach clean. Mix jaggery in milk and drink it before sleeping at night and you can get a lot of relief when you wake up in the morning.

5. Milk-Turmeric

Turmeric is considered very beneficial. High quantity of antibiotics is found in it. If you drink turmeric, which enhances taste in the kitchen, mixed with milk before sleeping at night, it strengthens the immune system and can also provide relief from many stomach problems.

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