today’s horoscope 07 August 2024 horoscope today daily forecast aries leo pisces rashi and all zodiac

today’s horoscope 07 August 2024 horoscope today daily forecast aries leo pisces rashi and all zodiac

Horoscope Today 07 August 2024: Today, Tritiya Tithi will prevail till 10:06 pm and then Chaturthi Tithi. Today, Purvaphalguni Nakshatra will prevail till 08:31 pm and then Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra will prevail. Today, you will get the support of Vashi Yog, Anandadi Yog, Sunapha Yog and Paridh Yog formed by the planets. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, then you will get the benefit of Shasha Yog. Moon will remain in Leo.

Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today, there are two times today. From 07:00 to 09:00 in the morning, there will be Labh-Amrit Chaughadiya and from 5:15 to 6:15 in the evening, there will be Labh Chaughadiya. Rahu Kaal will be from 12:00 to 01:30 in the afternoon.

Aries Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 5th house, due to which parents will get happiness from their children. Due to the formation of Paridh Yoga, you will get new sources of income in the media business. The time has come for businessmen to implement the planning done earlier for business in the present time. Those who are employed may get an offer to join an MNC company. Those who are employed should not shy away from hard work because your hard work will not go waste anywhere.

Better planning done by you at social and political level will take your work forward. Those who had grievances with their friends should resolve them and restart the friendship.
The day will be good in terms of health. You may plan to attend a Manglik function with your family. Your bonding with your love and life partner will be better. Students will move ahead with their confidence.

Taurus Horoscope-

Moon will be in the fourth house due to which there can be a dispute with someone in the family. In the beauty project business, your problems will increase due to a fall in the sales of the product even after spending a lot of money in the marketing of the project. Businessmen should not worry if the profit is not as per their wish, such ups and downs in business are normal. On hearing the news of salary cut at the workplace, you may have to borrow money from someone to balance the family management.

Those who are employed should avoid showing off their knowledge. Otherwise, it will not take long for their reputation to be tarnished in the office. Due to ignorance at the social level, you may get into some trouble. Ignorance and greed are the two causes of misery in the world. The day will not be in your favor regarding health. Someone in the family may have some misunderstanding about you. Instead of getting angry at the words of elders, try to understand the reason behind it. You will not be able to spend time with your love and life partner. Students will have to face some problems in studies.

Gemini Horoscope-

Moon will be in the third house, so keep an eye on the company of your younger brother. Businessmen will have to make more efforts to earn more profit in business. Those who have started a new business may have to go out to get orders for goods. At the work place, you may do something wrong in haste regarding career, be patient. To get success, you have to be patient and if you are in a hurry, you have to face disappointment.

Those who are employed should not taunt anyone in the office otherwise they will get a harsh reaction from there too. You will benefit from the advice of experienced people at social and political level.
There can be a problem of joint pain. You will be able to talk openly about your innermost feelings while sitting with the family. If you were thinking of shopping then this is a good day. Also, buy a gift for your life partner. You can plan to go out with friends. Students can get success in exams and interviews.

Cancer Horoscope-

Moon will be in the second house which will bring benefits from finance. To get profit in business, you will have to improve your ideas. You will have to bring new offers. Your ideas are the reflection of your entire life. Do not make the mistake of underestimating the customer. A businessman has to strengthen his relationship with all the customers, big and small. Completion of a project at the workplace will make you very happy.

Those who are employed will have to remain positive in every situation in the office which will prove to be very helpful in making you a successful person. Your work will be completed by getting public support at social and political level. You will be troubled by back bone problem. You will be busy in having fun with love and life partner. Do not do any such work by ignoring the values, a cultured person gets respect everywhere. Women who do not do Sandhya Puja should start, incense sticks must be lit in the house in the evening. There can be talks related to marriage of those who are not married in the family. Players will get the help of coach in some activity.

Leo Horoscope-

Moon will be in your zodiac sign, due to which you will get success in work through prudence and emotion. Business graph will increase. Also, if you are planning to open a new place, then do it between 7:00 am to 9:00 am and 5:15 pm to 6:15 pm. Your work at the workplace will give positive results. While working in the office, the working people may come to know about something special. You will get support a little late at the social level.

Be alert about your health, avoid eating junk food. Students taking online classes should not rely on copy notes, keep preparing notes themselves. There will be an atmosphere of laughter and happiness in the family. Newly married couples wishing to have a child may get signs of the arrival of a little guest, after knowing which the happiness of the family will increase. You will have to shop for household items with your love and life partner. Players will get success only through hard work and continuous practice.

Virgo Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 12th house due to which new contacts will cause loss. You will have to face struggle due to increase in opponents in business. Wait for the good time with struggle and patience.” Businessmen should stay away from activities that can reduce their credibility. Think well before doing any wrong thing.

Be cautious while working at the workplace, you may get influenced by someone. Your words may be twisted in the family. You may feel obese and lethargic. Students will have to face some difficulty in online study for further studies. Do not use social platforms to promote negative posts. Due to obstacles in your work, you will not be able to complete your tasks on time. While talking to your love and life partner, control your speech, otherwise you may have to pay the price.

Libra Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 11th house, so identify your duties and complete them. To complete extra orders in business on time, you will have to devote more time to complete the orders. You will be full of positive energy at the work place, which will keep you ahead of everyone. Working in a team will give you mental peace and targets will also be completed quickly and successfully. Politicians will have to bring changes in themselves with time. Circumstances change with time. Therefore, it is wise to change yourself with the change.

You may take a wrong decision due to confusion. To get out of confusion, talk to elders and try to improve your mental state. The day will bring mixed results for you in terms of health. Your advice on any matter in the family will win everyone’s heart. You will be successful in improving relationships in love and married life. Students will be able to achieve success only when they increase their efforts in studies. If you have been thinking of changing the interior of the house for a long time, then you can do it.

Scorpio Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 10th house, which will make you follow the footsteps of elders. You will have to make extra efforts to make profits in artificial jewellery business. Businessmen have experience but it is not right to boast about your intelligence in front of others. Due to the formation of Paridh Yoga, you will get success in the efforts made to achieve a high post at the workplace. Your working style at the social and political level will inspire everyone to join you.

In view of the increasing number of heart patients, heart patients should be cautious about their health. The mischief of children in the family will remind you of your childhood. There will be loving conversations with your love and life partner. Give food and drink to a needy person. Students should give priority to creativity in their work, this will benefit in marks and presentation. Players will have to increase their practice to achieve their goals.

Sagittarius Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 9th house due to which spiritual consciousness will awaken. Due to the formation of Paridh Yog, due to good profit in business, you will look for a place to open an outlet at another place. The time is not right to tell the seniors about someone else’s mistake at the workplace. You should wait for the right time. The tasks which were being completed easily by the working people till now, will have to go through many difficulties to complete them during this time. Due to sudden traveling, you may forget some important papers.

There will be some lack in family happiness and peace but there is no need to worry about it. Just try to solve it. You will get help from your love and life partner in the problems that you are facing in life. Students will have to upgrade themselves with technology in studies. This time students will have to find a way to simplify the subject through technology. Politicians’ work may get stuck due to their laziness.

Capricorn Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 8th house due to which you may have an argument with someone during travel. In business, your special employees will keep on criticizing you in the market, will cause you loss, due to which you will remain in depression, you should wait for the right time. Depression is the biggest enemy of man, it destroys both the progress and life of a person. A businessman will have a situation of conflict with his opponents, understand the negativity of the game of planets and avoid getting unnecessarily entangled.

Do not get influenced by anyone at the workplace. The day will be full of difficulties for those who are working. It will be beneficial for you to control your speech at the social and political level. You will have to face some health related problems due to weather change. It will not be right to get angry without any reason, because the game of planets is motivating you to live in harmony with others.

Do not give any kind of advice to your family without being asked. Defense students should take proper care of their health. There can be a sourness in the relationship due to a dispute in love and married life.

Aquarius Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 7th house due to which new products will benefit the business. The day will be profitable in daily needs business. Talking about businessmen, make plans to take the business further. Those who have made plans should implement them. You may get a transfer to your desired place at the workplace. It is time for those who are working to imbibe the knowledge of their boss. Keep the knowledge gained from them safe for the future as well.

Your work will gain momentum on the social level, you just have to be patient. Be a little patient and keep trying a little harder. It takes time for the rusty doors of luck to open. You will feel some relief from any health related problem.

You may plan to go to a picnic spot with your family. The day will be spent in excitement and romance in love and married life. You will have to avoid spending money on show-off, do not forget to pay attention to balance while spending money on show-off. MBBS students will have to work hard to achieve success.

Pisces Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 6th house, which will help you get rid of known and unknown enemies. Due to the formation of Paridh Yoga, you will not only get profit in partnership business but will also get new responsibilities. The day will be better for you at the workplace. All the efforts of opponents will fail, due to which they will be jealous of you. Those who are employed will face obstacles in office work but undoubtedly victory will be yours.

Any of your work on social and political level will go viral on social media. If students want to succeed, they will have to take out more time for studies. Be alert about health and stay away from fatty foods.

Shopping plans can be made with love and life partner. You have to maintain a sense of dedication with family members, while good coordination with others will bring benefits. You will start making plans for the coming weekend with a special friend from now itself.

Hariyali Teej 2024: Auspicious coincidences are being made on Hariyali Teej, women of these 4 zodiac signs will get benefits

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