today’s horoscope 09 August 2024 horoscope today daily forecast pisces virgo sagittarius rashi and all zodiac

today’s horoscope 09 August 2024 horoscope today daily forecast pisces virgo sagittarius rashi and all zodiac

Horoscope Today 09 August 2024: Today Panchami Tithi will remain throughout the day. Today Hasta Nakshatra will remain throughout the day. Today you will get support from Vashi Yog, Anandadi Yog, Sunapha Yog, Siddh Yog formed by the planets. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius then you will get the benefit of Shasha Yog. Moon will remain in Virgo and there will be eclipse defect of Moon-Ketu.

Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today. There are two times today. Labh-Amrit Chaughadiya will be from 08:15 to 10:15 in the morning and Shubh Chaughadiya will be from 01:15 to 02:15 in the afternoon. Rahu Kaal will be from 10:30 in the morning to 12:00 in the afternoon.

Aries Horoscope-

Moon will be in the sixth house which will help you get rid of debt. Team work and tireless efforts in finance will give you good profits in business which will help you complete your old dues. Businessmen should prepare themselves for tough challenges because the ups and downs in the market can give you many challenges at once. Those who are employed may get better job offers.

You will get success at social and political level by making a little more efforts. In love and married life, your positive thoughts will improve bonding in relationships. “Always use your specialties, you will feel progress at every step of life.” The day is going to be good from family point of view. In the evening, everyone will sit together and share their daily routine, you will get a big benefit of ancestral property in the family.

Young people interested in writing will have to increase their reading and writing time to improve their writing style. Students will have excellent growth in their field. They will have to face some problems in terms of health.

Taurus Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 5th house due to which students will benefit by changing their way of studying. Due to the formation of Siddha Yoga, completion of big deals in business and focusing on it will definitely bring success in business. Businessmen should try to expand the scope of their work, so that they are able to fight the financial problems coming in the business. Support of seniors at the workplace and your innovative thinking will take you ahead.

Those who are employed will try to put some co-workers in the office in front of their seniors, so do not leave any scope for mistakes. On the social level, you will be successful in providing employment to many people by uploading the link of the job portal. You may meet a college friend in a relative’s program with family. You may be seen helping the needy people along with your friends. The change in the aggressive nature of your love and life partner may surprise you. Students will have to focus on their studies, only then will they be able to achieve their goals. There may be a travel related to health.

Gemini Horoscope-

Moon will be in the fourth house due to which mother’s health may deteriorate. Due to the formation of eclipse dosha, you will have to face some obstacles in starting a partnership business, but do not give up and continue your efforts. Due to technical problems at the workplace, you will not be able to complete your work on time, for which you will have to work overtime. Due to some irrational post in politics, the sudden decrease in fan following will upset them.

Your mood may get spoiled due to the actions of some family members, they may quarrel with you even on small matters. There may be a situation of sourness in relationships in the family due to some matter. Trust your love and life partner and keep distance from rumours. You will have to stay connected to spirituality and satsang. Students will get to learn something new by working hard in studies. Which will be very useful for them in their future. One should never be afraid of hard work because this is also a story which is told to everyone after being successful. Your troubles will increase due to not getting a return ticket confirmed during travel due to work.

Cancer Horoscope-

Moon will be in the third house, so help your friend. Better management in medical business will make you famous in the market in a short time. If you want to launch a new product, it will be better for you to do it between 8:15 am to 10:15 am and 1:15 pm to 2:15 pm. The situation is going to be almost the same for businessmen, you will get the expected profit only after hard work. Your participation in any meeting with seniors at the workplace will increase.

Your opponents will never tire of speaking ill of you. Only those speak ill of you who cannot compete with you.” If working people face any problem in doing office work, they can get help from their seniors. You will get family support on social level. Improvement in health of someone in the family will bring happiness to your face. You will openly share your heart’s feelings with your love and life partner.
Students should remain engaged in their studies, you can get success. Moving towards keeping your body healthy will keep your health better.

Leo Horoscope-

Moon will be in the second house, which will bring profit from investment. In web designing, blogger and app development business, you will have to hire a new team to stay updated. Businessmen may hear some complaints from customers regarding the goods, or your suggestion box may be filled with complaints. Due to the formation of Siddha Yoga, there may be a chance of your promotion at the workplace. Those who work will have to work hard, but the good thing will be that your hard work will also be appreciated.

Suddenly, on social level, any of your pending work can gain momentum. Any rift with someone in the family will end. For better health, you should resort to yoga pranayam.
The new politician should focus more on public service, listen to people’s problems and try to solve them. If the student prepares for the exam with a proper timetable, success will kiss your feet. “Reading is one fold, thinking is two fold and conduct is hundred fold.
You may plan to go to a movie or shopping with your love and life partner.

Virgo Horoscope-

Moon will remain in your zodiac sign due to which your mind will remain disturbed and restless. Due to the formation of Siddha Yoga, you will get profit in tourism business in partnership. Hardware businessmen have a good chance of getting profit. Those who are employed should not get discouraged, it is possible that some work has to be done two to three times. Politicians will remain busy on social level. Disputes with love and life partner will go away from loving moments.

You have to be a little cautious in terms of health. Players have to focus only on their practice on the track, only then they will be able to succeed in their life. Relationships will provide stability and family peace, planning of a family trip can be made. Students will have to face some obstacles in studies, there will be a great need for alertness and concentration.

Libra Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 12th house due to which expenses will increase, be careful. Due to your carelessness in business, some other company can attract your clients by giving them better offers.
You may get trapped in the net of your opponents due to your colleagues being against you in the office. The burden of responsibilities will increase on the job holders, due to which some negative changes can be seen in your behavior.

The stubbornness of your love and life partner and your stubborn attitude can create a rift in the relationship. Due to the formation of Grahan Dosha, your work may get stuck due to lack of public support at the political and social level. Students will get distracted from their studies, they will feel like doing all other work except studies. Do not let anger overpower you regarding any matter in the family. There may be a conflict in your mind. Stubbornness about something can cause great harm. Players should first remove their shortcomings in their field or improve them so that you can achieve your goal. Our future depends on our present, so work on your goal.” Be cautious while traveling.

Scorpio Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 11th house due to which there will be sweetness in relations with elder sister. Due to the formation of Siddha Yoga, you will be successful in your efforts to get a project in business. As soon as you solve the problem in the project at the workplace, you will be the talk of the town in the office. Your work at the workplace will be completed soon. With your far-sighted thinking in the family, you will be successful in making your future successful.
Be cautious about your health. Even a small negligence can cause problems.

Seeing your loyalty towards your party and work at the political level, you can be given a big post. If you have planted new plants or have a garden at home, then you should take the responsibility of looking after them. Do not let the coordination with your life partner deteriorate. Their support will give you new energy to work. Students can be selected in a big company in campus placement. All this will be the result of your study and hard work. The life of an illiterate person is as useless as the tail of a dog, which neither covers its back nor protects it from the stings of insects.

Sagittarius Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 10th house, due to which you may have an argument with someone in politics. In business, your courage and self-confidence will progress tremendously, which will surprise even your business rivals. Businessmen should focus on rest along with work. Always running to earn money can increase mental stress. Those who are employed and those who are not employed may get new job offers for which they were waiting for a long time.

It will be auspicious for you to join between 8.15 am to 10.15 am and 1.15 pm to 2.15 pm. Your work will progress through social level positivity and leadership. To avoid mental stress in terms of health, take the help of yoga, pranayam and meditation and enjoy a better life. Your deteriorating work will be done with the advice of an elder in the family. Players will also want to make their name shine in view of the growing trend of sports. You can give an expensive gift to your love and life partner for their happiness.

Capricorn Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 9th house due to which your identity will increase on social level. You will use your influence to get government tenders passed in construction business. The time is suitable for those who do business from home, along with this they should plan for online business. You will be successful in impressing the seniors with your leadership ability, ambition and efficiency regarding any work at the workplace.

Ambition is the thing that develops gentlemanliness. Those who are employed should try to expand their network, along with this, they can also discuss with people in connection with work. You will have to put a ban on your unnecessary expenditure in the family. Be careful about your health and follow the doctor’s advice. The atmosphere of peace in love and married life will give comfort to your heart and peace to your mind.
Students can get internship in a college abroad. At social level, you will get support from elders in your efforts for old age and leprosy ashram.

Aquarius Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 8th house due to which there will be a hindrance in the unresolved matter. A big deal in business can get stuck due to the conspiracy of opponents and your laziness. Businessmen should keep one thing in mind that do not put your reputation at stake for unnecessary activities. Due to the formation of Grahan Dosha, you will have to put in a lot of effort to complete a project on time at the work place, even after that you will face failure. “Failure is not a backer to success, rather it is a speed booster to reach the destination.” On the social level, due to your harsh words and laziness, some work will slip out of your hands.

Students should focus on their studies, unnecessary use of mobile phones will distract them from studies. This is the time to work hard and struggle and not to expect anything from others. Keeping high expectations from relatives will lead to stress and sadness. Excessive joking in the family can spoil things. Dinner plans with your love and life partner may get cancelled.
Students may be worried about increasing competition and repeated exams. There are signs of increasing cholesterol. If possible, get a routine checkup done. Along with this, avoid oily food.

Pisces Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 7th house due to which you will benefit from partnership business. Due to the formation of Siddha Yoga, both luck and time will be in your favor, due to which you will get success in business. It has brought auspicious signs for businessmen. Good offers and partners can join you regarding business. Do not underestimate anyone at the workplace, focus on your work, soon the circumstances will turn in your favor. It is right to consider the other person as your competitor. But it is foolish to underestimate him or consider him weak. Those who are employed should try to do office work according to the boss’s wish, because doing the same work again can make you feel a little bored.

You will have to increase relations with the public for some work at the social level. The support of your love and life partner will help you at every turn. You may see a decline in the health of someone at home, due to which you may be quite worried. The day is going to be auspicious for you. You may get many opportunities to showcase your talent. Medical students may travel for some projects.

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