today’s horoscope 11 july 2024 horoscope today daily forecast aries leo pisces rashi and all zodiac

today’s horoscope 11 july 2024 horoscope today daily forecast aries leo pisces rashi and all zodiac

Horoscope Today 11 July 2024: Today, Panchami Tithi will prevail till 10:04 AM and then Prishthi Tithi. Today, Purvaphalguni Nakshatra will prevail till 1:04 PM and then Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra will prevail. Vashi Yog, Anandadi Yog, Sunapha Yog, Budhaditya Yog and Variyaan Yog will prevail from here. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius, then you will benefit from Shasha Yog. Moon will remain in Virgo after 7:50 PM.

Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today. There are two times today. Shubh Chaughadiya will be from 07:00 to 08:00 in the morning and Shubh Chaughadiya will be from 05:00 to 06:00 in the evening. Rahu Kaal will be from 01:30 to 03:00 in the afternoon.

Aries Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 5th house due to which parents will get happiness from their children. Due to the formation of Variyaan Yoga, you may get an offer from a new company in medical, surgical and pharmacy. You can easily solve the problems arising in the workplace.

Whatever work you take up in the office, you will show creativity in it and earn profit. Improvement in the health of the elders in the family will bring happiness on your face, along with that you can plan to go out somewhere with the family. If you start the journey from a religious place, it will be good for everyone. You will get success in the exam by working hard.

Your inclination may increase towards spiritual work at a social event. There may be a possibility of spending money. The day has brought auspicious signs for you, you will get better opportunities to progress in your career. The day will be in your favor in terms of health.

Taurus Horoscope-

Moon will be in the fourth house due to which there will be hindrance in land and property matters. Businessmen involved in reselling business, jam and jelly making and spices will have to face losses due to not taking concrete steps in business.

Do not invest a large amount of money in a new business. There is a possibility of loss at the moment. If the youth were looking for a job but due to lack of documents, the job they got may go to someone else. Those who are employed should stick to their decisions, do not get upset under any circumstances, otherwise you may get trapped in a big loss. Due to the weather, health may deteriorate, you may be troubled by diseases like cold and cough.

At the social level, any of your actions can ring alarm bells for you. There will be a lack of intimacy and love in the family. There can be a situation of dispute over something in love and married life. You may have to face some problems in the exam. Many people are unaware of their own strength, so they remain troubled by the problems of life.

Gemini Horoscope-

Moon will be in the third house. You will get full support of family in freelance writing, coaching or consulting, e-book writing and blogging business, due to which you will be successful in taking your business to new heights. Businessmen will get relief after completion of important business related work, after getting mental peace, they will be seen preparing future plans for business. There will be a possibility of starting a new career for the youth. In such a situation, prepare yourself in advance to work hard.

In the office, you will be able to attract everyone with your work. You can take a gift for your love and life partner. You will spend time with guests from outside the family. The day will be favorable for your health. Do not get entangled in big dreams of the future, focus on what is in front of you in the present. Problems that have been going on for a long time at the social level will come to an end. The only way to get rid of problems is to face them.

You can plan to buy land or property by forming a consensus with your family. If you are into sports, your interest in the field will remain intact and that is why you will remain fit.

Cancer Horoscope-

Moon will be in the second house, which will bring benefits from investment. Due to the formation of Variyaan Yoga, you will get results according to your hard work in electrical and electronic business. Businessmen will be able to bring big changes in business conditions by efficient management of financial and business matters. You can be serious about career at the workplace, which will be better for you. You can be sharp-witted in the office, on the basis of which you will be successful in giving a tough time to your opponents.

You will get support from your love and life partner at every turn of life. You can share your thoughts with your family, which will reduce the burden on your heart. The day is auspicious for people associated with politics and administration. If you are going on a tour with friends, you will feel energized during the journey.

The day will give mixed results in terms of health. You can start some new initiatives on social level. The day will be a learning experience for students.

Leo Horoscope-

Moon will be in your sign due to which intellectual development is seen. Due to the formation of Variyaan Yoga, your hard work will bring you success in the clothing business. You will be very stressed in the office due to more work. Those who are employed will earn a distinct identity in the crowd due to their efficient work. Along with this, they will also be praised everywhere. Understand your love and life partner, respect their feelings.

Your strong efforts in the family will complete the long pending tasks. Increase in your respect at the social level will bring happiness on your face. You will be troubled by digestion problems, it will be better for you to remove junk food from your food list. You will be seen focusing on the goal, which will develop new insights within you.
Instead of ignoring or rejecting your problems, face them with courage. Your performance in the exam will leave an indelible mark on everyone’s hearts. Everyone will praise your performance.

Virgo Horoscope-

Moon will be in the 14th house due to which you will be able to learn legal tricks. Investment made in online research and day-care center business without research will be a loss deal for you. It has also been said by the elders that – “We should not do any work without thinking. Instead of focusing on big things, businessmen should avoid ignoring small things, otherwise they may suffer big losses.

Youngsters should not rely on luck, keep trying for a job, success will kiss your feet. Avoid people who talk behind your back in the office, they can spread your mistakes to the public. Wrong thoughts at the social level can create problems for you. Bitter words said by you in the family can turn someone against you. The atmosphere can become heated due to cancellation of dinner plans with your love and life partner. You will be troubled by the problem of enlarged thyroid. Control your anger because there is a possibility of estrangement with a close relative, so be aware of this in advance.

Libra Horoscope-

Moon will be in the eleventh house due to which there will be an effort to increase the profit. Expectations of good earnings from the old outlet in business will be fulfilled. Also, if you want to open a new outlet, then do it between 7:00 to 8:00 in the morning and 5:00 to 6:00 in the evening. Talking about businessmen, the business condition is going well, continue your hard work and efforts towards this, you will get success soon.

You will try to complete all your work on time at the workplace. In the office, you will share your responsibilities and give new people an opportunity to move forward. You may be upset about something on the social level. Take out time for love and married life. Your relations with everyone in the family will improve. Whatever work you take responsibility for, their skills will emerge in those tasks which will inspire them to move forward. It will bring new gifts of happiness. Some of your tension regarding health will go away.

Scorpio Horoscope-

Moon will be in the tenth house, due to which you will benefit from making some changes in the job. Due to the formation of Variyaan Yoga, you will achieve success by planning the production work afresh in the jewellery fashion, handicraft, fitness instructor business. Businessmen will get full support of their associates, with their help the business will expand. You need to work diligently at the workplace.

You will be seen impressing people from your first meeting in the office. You may plan to visit a relative’s place with your family to attend an auspicious event.
You will bring glory to your family at the social level. You will get full support from your love and life partner.

Players will sweat it out on the field today, which will bring them success in the future. You will be successful to a great extent in fulfilling your social responsibilities. Arrange some donations for the poor along with your family, helping others will give you spiritual happiness.

Sagittarius Horoscope-

Moon will be in the ninth house due to which your luck will shine if you do good work. You will get profit in business. Businessmen will show understanding in business matters. They will be able to overcome many challenges with their understanding. Due to the formation of Variyaan Yoga, those who are employed may get offers of good packages from other places. In the office, instead of ignoring the words of your boss, work immediately on his signal.

There may be an increase in your purchases of home appliances in the family. You will spend happy moments with your love and life partner. Keep getting your health checkup done. You will be seen playing the role of a consultant for your friends and others, people’s work will be done with your advice. Clothing and Textile, Extension and Communication, Nautical Science students will be in a stressful situation regarding something.

Capricorn Horoscope-

Moon will be in the eighth house due to which you will have to face losses in business. Stay away from selfish and cunning people of beauty parlor, saloon, wall paper, mobile business, these people can cheat you financially.

You will have to face some problems due to repeated mistakes at the workspace. “Take your mistakes seriously, they will take you to your destination. If you have recently joined a job, you may have to work hard.

You will be worried due to some problems in the family. You may get influenced by someone in love and married life. If you are planning to go abroad, you will have to wait a little longer. You will be worried about the health of your child. If you are making any travel plans, then it may get postponed.

Aquarius Horoscope-

Moon will be in the seventh house which will strengthen your relationship with your spouse. Due to the formation of Variyaan Yoga, you will be famous in business. You will easily handle the challenges coming in the workplace.
Those who are employed need to pay more attention to their work; do not leave any scope for mistake on your part.

Old differences with someone in the family will be resolved. Also, the day is normal from the family point of view. Get free from work and spend time with your family. Do not delay in expressing your views to the person you love.

Spend time with children, if possible go out to play, this will provide entertainment as well as some exercise. The day will be peaceful in love and married life. Increasing weight will increase your anxiety, avoid eating outside. Students preparing for exams will have to put in their best efforts to succeed.

Pisces Horoscope-

Moon will be in the sixth house which will help you get rid of any disease. Court disputes will be seen getting resolved in trading business, matrimony business, catering business, wedding planner and spots, shop, partnership business. You will get full support of the team and colleagues in completing any work at the workplace. Those who are employed have a strong possibility of getting promotion. There will be a lot of warmth in your relationships in the family. If the students of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology, Astronomy, Forensic Science, Nautical Science and Environmental Science will keep their full focus on their goal, then they will definitely get great results.

People with goals are successful because they know where they are going. A family member may have diabetes or heart problems, you will have to take care of their health. You will have to keep yourself motivated. If you are not able to concentrate on any work, then meditate on Ishtadeva. Be simple in your behavior while talking to your love and life partner. You can suddenly plan to go on a trip.

read this also: Dahi Shakkar: Why do we eat curd and sugar before doing any auspicious work, is it really auspicious?

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