Today’s Panchang 27 March 2024 holi bhai dooj Muhurat yoga Rahu Kaal time Tithi Grah Nakshatra

Today Panchang, Aaj Ka Panchang 27 March 2024: According to the calendar, Bhai Dooj of Holi is being celebrated today on 27 March 2024. It is believed that on this day the sisters who call their brother home and apply tilak on him, serve him food with respect. His brother is blessed with long life. The path of brother’s progress becomes easier, happiness-prosperity and brother-sister relationships get strengthened.

On this day, offer a garland made of Durva to Lord Ganapati. Then apply kumkum tilak to the brother and pray to all the Gods and Goddesses for his well-being. Let us know today’s auspicious and inauspicious time, Rahukaal, auspicious yoga, planetary change, fasts and festivals, date of today’s Panchang (Panchang in Hindi).

Almanac of 27 March 2024

date Dwitiya (26 March 2024, 02.55 pm – 27 March 2024, 05.06 pm)
Party Krishna
wise Wednesday
constellation figure
sum concussion
Rahukaal 12.27 pm – 01.59 pm
sunrise 06.17 am – 06.36 pm
moon rise 08.31 pm – 07.31 am
Disha Shool
moon sign
sun sign Pisces

26 March 2024 Shubh Muhurat

wee hours 04.43 am- 05.30 am
Abhijit Muhurta nobody
twilight time 06.35 pm – 06.59 pm
Vijay Muhurta 02.30 pm – 03.19 pm
Amrit Muhurta
09.08 am – 10.55 am
Nishita Kaal Muhurta 12.03am – 12.59am, 28th March

26 March 2024 inauspicious time (Today’s Ashubh Muhurat)

  • Yamgand – 07.49 am – 09.22 am
  • Adal Yoga – 06.17 am – 04.16 pm
  • Vidal Yoga – 04.16 pm – 06.15 am, 28 March
  • Gulik Kaal – 10.54 am – 12.27 pm

Lucky zodiac signs of March 27, 2024

  • Taurus – If there was any bitterness going on among the family members, it will go away. The work will be completed without any hindrance.
  • Leo sun sign – There will be an increase in the respect of people working in social sectors. You will get success in saving money.
  • Capricorn – It would be good for you to start some new work, for which you will be very excited.

Today’s solution

If you are troubled by the problem of debt and do not have any source of earning, then recite Ranharta Ganesh Stotra today. If you are troubled by the problem of Rahu, then sleep on Wednesday night keeping a coconut near your head and the next day offer it in the temple of Lord Ganesha along with some Dakshina.

Ram navami 2024: When is Ram Navami in April? Know date, puja auspicious time, date all here

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on assumptions and information. It is important to mention here that does not endorse or confirm any information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the concerned expert.

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