Took 2 crore rupees in the name of marriage, then broke off the engagement The man went to court against the woman but…..

Took 2 crore rupees in the name of marriage, then broke off the engagement  The man went to court against the woman but…..

When two people fall in love with each other, they want to take it to the end of marriage and stay together for life. But it is not necessary that honesty should be maintained from both the sides every time in love. Many times people give the illusion of love and show off in their selfishness and a person who is blind in love easily falls in that trap. But some people also know how to give a befitting reply to the betrayal that happened to them. One such case came to light where a woman conspired for marriage and engagement for crores.

The woman broke off the engagement with the lover who gave ₹ 2 crore as soon as he promised to marry her. Then also refused to return the money. In the end, when the lover who was a victim of fraud reached the court, only a little compensation was possible for his loss. The matter is of Shanghai of China. Where the woman broke off the engagement as soon as she got ₹ 2 crore.

Fraud of crores in the name of love
In Shanghai, China, a woman named Liu had promised to marry a young man named Zhang. But the woman broke off the engagement before marriage. After which the young man knocked on the door of the court. Then go and accept the woman. But now Zhang refused to marry. The question is, when Zhang did not want to marry, then why did he go to court against the woman? So let us tell you in detail that what is this matter of love, engagement and court court after all? Actually, the relationship between the two started in 2015, after which both of them signed a pre-marital property agreement before marriage. According to which the person who married Liu had to bear the expenses of his daughter’s education. Just on the basis of this, Liu had bluffed Zhang.


Man reached court against woman’s cheating
According to the agreement, Zhang was to pay one million yuan for Liu’s daughter’s education for two years. However, before marriage, Zhang had given ₹ 1.94 crore for Liu’s daughter’s education. After which in 2018, Liu refused saying that his father did not agree to the marriage. In such a situation, when Zhang asked for her money back, the woman refused. So the young man had to go to the court. However, after this, in panic, the woman said yes to the marriage. But now the young man refused to marry the thug woman. He just wanted his money back. But he had kept written evidence of only ₹ 1 crore, so after the court’s order he got only ₹ 1 crore back.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, Good news, Weird news

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