Tuberculosis: Decline in TB cases compared to 2015…death rate also reduced

The number of TB patients is decreasing day by day, all this is becoming possible due to new technology and tireless efforts made by the government. According to the information, the government’s target is to eliminate this disease by 2025.  If we talk about the data published in the reports, till now according to 2015, a decrease of 16% has been seen in the cases of TB.

Not only this, if we talk about the death rate, there has been a reduction of 18%. This success has been achieved due to the continuous efforts being made in the country. In 2015, the number of TV cases per 100,000 population was 237. Which became 199 in 2022. The death rate had increased to 23 per lakh population in 2022 as compared to 2015. At present, the Government of India is trying to eliminate TB disease by 2025.

Health Ministry’s claim

According to the TB report of 2024, a decline in TB has been seen in India. Also, the Union Health Ministry has set a target to eliminate this disease by 2025. Apart from this, according to the report released in 2023, there have been cases of 32% decrease in the number of TB patients. Whereas in 2022 there was a decline of only 17%. The data released in the report also revealed that there has been an improvement of more than 50% in the notification of TB cases in the last nine years.

Government plan

The highest jump in the decline of TB has been seen in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. After COVID-19, the Central Government had decided to work towards reducing the TB disease rapidly in the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2017-25. Also, an amount of ₹ 2,781 was distributed among more than one crore beneficiaries.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. 

Also read: The treatment of every disease is different, know which doctor should be seen in which disease, there is a specialist for every problem

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