Ukadiche Modak Recipe: Try this easy recipe to make Ukadiche Modak

Ukadiche Modak Recipe: Try this easy recipe to make Ukadiche Modak


Modak Ganpati Bappa is considered a very dear food.
Rice flour is used to make Ukdiche Modak.

Ukadiche Modak Recipe: Along with the traditional modak, Ukdiche Modak is also very much liked. Modak is considered very dear to the first adorable Lord Ganesha. Modak is full of taste which is usually made on special occasions to offer bhog to Ganpati Bappa. Many varieties of Modak are famous and Ukdiche Modak is also one of them. Modak can be made in two ways. One way by frying and the other by boiling. If you also want to make Ukdiche Modak, then you can easily prepare it with our mentioned method.
Ukdiche Modak is prepared in very less time. Rice flour, jaggery, coconut etc. ingredients are used to prepare it. Let’s know the very easy recipe to make Ukdiche Modak.

Ingredients to make Ukdiche Modak
Rice flour – 2 cups
Grated coconut – 2 cups
Jaggery – 1 cup
Desi ghee – 2 tsp
Cardamom powder – 1/2 tsp
Salt – 1/2 tsp

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How to make Ukdiche Modak
To make Ukdiche Modak, first heat 1 tsp of desi ghee in a pan and add 2 cups of coconut and fry it. When the aroma starts coming from the coconut, put crushed jaggery in it and cook it by mixing it well with the help of a ladle. Cook it on medium heat until the jaggery melts and mixes with the coconut. Cook the mixture till it thickens, then add cardamom powder. The stuffing of Modak is ready.

Now take another pan and add 1 tsp desi ghee to it and heat it on medium flame. When the ghee melts, add half a teaspoon of salt to it and mix it with a ladle. Now put 2 cups of water in it and boil it. When the water comes to a boil, add rice flour little by little and mix with the help of a ladle. Mix it until the rice flour absorbs all the water.

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Now turn off the gas and cover the dough and keep it aside for 5 minutes. When the flour remains slightly warm, put it in a big mixing bowl and then start kneading the dough. Knead the dough until it becomes completely soft. Now the dough for modak is ready.
Now make balls of the dough and take one ball, make it round and then flatten it. After this, press lightly in the middle with the help of both thumbs. Keep pressing the corners of the dough slowly till the shape of the cup is formed. Then make pleats out of it. After this, fill the prepared jaggery-coconut stuffing in the modak with the help of a spoon and then collect the pleats and then give a point shape by pressing from above. Steam them for 15 to 20 minutes. Tasty Ukdiche Modak is ready.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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