Umesh Pal Hatyakand: Assad left mobile in Lucknow to escape, money withdrawn from ATM

Umesh Pal Hatyakand: Assad left mobile in Lucknow to escape, money withdrawn from ATM

Prayagraj News: CCTV footage of Atiq’s son Asad firing in Umesh Pal murder case.
Photo: Amar Ujala.


Before the murder of Umesh Pal, Mafia Atiq Ahmed had made foolproof planning to save his son Asad. Asad had left his mobile at the Universal Apartment in Lucknow’s metropolitan area before committing the crime. Not only this, when Umesh Pal was fired upon in Prayagraj, money was being withdrawn from Asad’s ATM card in Lucknow.

In fact, if Asad had not come out of the vehicle and opened fire while attacking Umesh Pal, his involvement in this case would probably never have been known. Its role was composed by Atiq and Ashraf themselves while in jail. In order not to find his location in Prayagraj, he was asked to leave the mobile in working condition at the Lucknow flat. Also, Asad was denied permission to drive his car from Lucknow to Prayagraj. When the investigating agencies found the location of Asad’s mobile after the incident, it was found in Lucknow.

Similarly, money was withdrawn from the ATM at the time of the incident. Now the investigating agencies are on the lookout for Asad’s accomplice who had withdrawn money from the ATM near Universal Apartments. The certified copy of the transaction of withdrawing about five thousand rupees from the ATM and the CCTV footage have been taken into custody by the police. The CDR of Assad’s mobile is being taken out and tested.

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