Unique ice cream around the world: from potato to coconut.

Unique ice cream around the world: from potato to coconut.

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Ice cream is something that everyoneโ€™s mood becomes good and smile comes on the face. Some like vanilla and someone likes strawberry flavor. Ice cream is eaten in every country in the world but making it โ€ฆRead more

Ice cream is the most eaten in New Zealand in the world (image-canva)

Unique ice cream Around the World: Everyone wants to eat ice cream as soon as the summer comes so that the coolness feels. At this time, ice cream would have been kept in everyoneโ€™s fridge. Some people like to eat it even after dinner. This is everyoneโ€™s favorite desert. But there are different types of flavor and ingredient ice cream in the world, which makes them unique.

Potato ice cream!
You must have eaten potato vegetable or potato parathas many times, but have you ever eaten potato ice cream. Actually, in America, an ice cream is eaten very hobby, named ice cream Potato. Its name may be connected to potatoes, but it is not made from potato. Actually, Vanilla ice cream is given a shape of potato and it has a coating of cocoa powder, which makes it look like potato. Wissed cream is also added on it.

Akutak is different
Alaska is famous worldwide for its cold and northern lights, but the ice cream here is also very different. It is called Akutak which is made from many types of berries. Also, animal fat and dry fish powder is also added to it. It is preserved and kept in a year. Whoever comes to Alaska becomes the admirer of this ice cream.

Germanyโ€™s spaghetis is different
People in Germany eat pasta with great passion. There is a type of spaghetti of pasta which looks towards noodles. Seeing this, everyone considers Italian noodles. But Spaghetis Ice Cream is very famous in Germany. Its name may be like Spagetti, but it is made from vanilla ice cream. Strawberries and creams are very tasty.

Coconut milk ice cream
Coconuts grow well in Indonesia, so the ice cream here is also made from coconut. Here ice cream is made from coconut milk which may not be of smooth texture like the rest of the ice cream, but it is very tasty. It is made in a natural way which is completely vegan.

Japanโ€™s unique cobbler
Japanโ€™s food is famous worldwide. But the ice cream named cobbler here is no less popular. It comes in the category of desert. The cobbler is made of sweet rice flour, inside which ice cream is wrapped. Also strawberries are added. It also contains flavors like chocolate, mango, vanilla. This ice cream is very sticky but looks tasty to eat.


Eat ice cream made of potato or rice? Know the strange flavor of the world

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