Unique incident in Bihar.. 1 year old child chewed snake thinking it to be a toy, then…

Unique incident in Bihar.. 1 year old child chewed snake thinking it to be a toy, then…

A shocking incident has come to light from Gaya district of Bihar, which has become a topic of discussion in the entire district. Usually it is heard that a person dies due to snake bite, but here the case turned out to be the opposite.

grabbed it as a toy

In Jamuhar village of Fatehpur block area of ​​Gaya district, a 1-year-old boy named Rakesh Kumar was playing on the roof of his house, when he saw a baby snake crawling on the roof. Rakesh caught the baby snake thinking it to be a toy and while playing, he put it in his mouth and chewed it, due to which the baby snake died.

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When the child’s mother saw this scene, she panicked and immediately rushed her child to the hospital. The doctors examined the child and found that the child was completely healthy. After this incident, the child’s mother heaved a sigh of relief and returned home. The doctors said that the baby snake which Rakesh had chewed to death did not have any venom, so it did not have any negative effect on the child.

take care of this

This incident happened on Saturday, and since then this matter has become a topic of discussion in the entire district. Currently it is the rainy season, and in this season snakes and their babies can often be seen on the roads and around houses. Many cases of snakebite are reaching the hospital daily in the district, due to which there is a need to be cautious. Doctors have advised to take special care of children during the rainy season, do not let them play in the open, and clean the bushes and grass around the house.

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Tags: Cobra Snake, Local18

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