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Bhilwara Rajasthan Unique Funeral Procession: Seven days after Holi in Bhilwara, Rajasthan, the dead body of a dead dead is taken out. This funeral procession was drummed outside the mansion of Chittor on the day of Sheetla Saptami, …Read more
Curry dead body
- 427 year old tradition continues in Bhilwara.
- The dead body of a person alive is taken out on Sheetla Saptami.
- Women do not participate in the yatra, watch from far away.
Bhilwara There is such a unique tradition of Bhilwara in Rajasthan, which has been discharged for the last 400 years. Under this tradition, the living person is linked on the bier and then his body journey is taken out in the entire city by flying color with gazelle. After that he is also cremated at a certain place.
But before this, the young man lying on the bier somehow jumps from the bier and runs away. For the last 427 years on Sheetla Saptami in Vastranagri Bhilwara, this tradition of this tradition of Ila Ji i.e. alive dead is being played.
The ride leaves seven days after Holi
This ride is taken out 7 days after Holi. Which starts with the mansion of Chittor people of the city. Where a young man is lying on the bier and then the funeral procession begins with the drums. In the funeral procession, the person lying on the bier sometimes sits down, sometimes one hand comes out. People from Bhilwara and adjoining districts also come to join this dead body and move forward flying fiercely. During this time, fierce philosophy is used here. Due to which the entry of women in this ride is forbidden. This ride reaches the big temple via railway station intersection, Gol Pyapau Square, Bhimganj police station. On reaching here, the young man lying on the bier runs down and runs away as a symbol.
The body is taken out on the day of Sheetla Saptami
Padmashree Bahupriya artist Jankilal Bhand told that on the day of Sheetla Saptami, everyone from Gulmandi to big temple and paddy mandi take out dead rides. From outside the mansion of Chittor, the ride of the dead is taken out with drums, naked, camel horses. Women do not participate in this dead ride and sees it from far away. City resident Kailash Jeanagar said that on the occasion of Shitla Saptami, this dead ride is taken out for many years. This tradition started from the time of the kings and emperors, which continues till today. In the ride of the dead, a living person is linked on the bier from the mansion of Chittor people and then this ride is taken out with laughter and tears in the city. When this ride reaches near the big temple, the living person leaves the bier and runs away and the funeral of the bier is performed in a symbolic form.
The evils of the year come out
Any person who joins it during this funeral procession, he comes out of the evils and anger hidden inside himself and then starts a new beginning. This alive corpse that comes out every year is not a fixed man alive in the dead body journey. Every year a man keeps changing. The work of becoming a dead is difficult, he has to bear a lot. During the yatra, the dead is also lying in power. The effigy is also taken along during the last journey. The dead person gets fed up at any time and runs away from the bier. After his escape, the effigy is laid on the bier and then the last rites are performed.