Unique wedding! Marriage happened by giving 1 rupee and a coconut, if the bride gets a job, she will give her parents a year’s salary, the groom got one rupee in dowry, MLA came to appreciate it

Unique wedding! Marriage happened by giving 1 rupee and a coconut, if the bride gets a job, she will give her parents a year’s salary, the groom got one rupee in dowry, MLA came to appreciate it

Jaipur Rural. Every day we get to hear news of unfortunate incidents related to dowry. Many efforts have been made from time to time to eradicate this evil practice prevalent in the society. Anita Verma, who lives in Jaipur rural, has not given any dowry to the groom in the marriage. This dowry-free marriage is being appreciated all over the state. The groom Jai Narayan Jakhar also supported her a lot in eradicating this evil practice prevalent in the society.

The groom is a JE and the bride is a post graduate
After the dowry-free marriage, the parents of the bride and groom are being praised a lot in the area. The groom Jaynarayan Jakhar, a resident of Danta Ramgarh in Sikar district, is working as a JE in the PWD department and the bride Anita Verma is a post graduate.

Groom Jai Narayan Jakhar said that bride Anita’s parents have brought her up so well and have also made her a post graduate. This is like dowry for me. In today’s time, education is no less than dowry.

Marriage happened for one rupee and coconut
Jaynarayan Jakhar, working as a JE in PWD, got married with just one rupee and a coconut sugar. The bride Anita said that the groom’s family was the first to propose a dowry-free marriage. The groom said that his grandfather always raised his voice against social evils and his father is a lawyer.

In such a situation, inspired by my grandfather and father, I decided to marry without dowry to end this evil practice prevalent in the society. My family members fully supported me in this decision.

If the bride gets a government job, she will pay her parents’ salary
Bride Anita will now prepare for a government job after post graduation. The groom’s entire family will support her. The groom’s family has promised bride Anita that if she is selected for government service, she can give her salary to her parents for one year, so that they can also get the benefit of educating and making a daughter capable.

The MLA also praised this unique wedding
This unique wedding is being praised in Sikar and Jaipur as well as in the whole of Rajasthan. Danta Ramgarh MLA Virendra Singh has also praised this decision of the bride and groom. The MLA himself attended their wedding and called it a good step to eradicate the evil practice of dowry prevalent in the society.

Tags: BJP Rajasthan, Jaipur News, Local18

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