UPPSC Recruitment 2024 for 38 Assistant Registrar Posts Registration Begins at uppsc.up.nic.in UP Govt job

UPPSC Recruitment 2024 for 38 Assistant Registrar Posts Registration Begins at uppsc.up.nic.in UP Govt job

UPPSC Assistant Recruitment 2024 Registration Begins: Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission had recently announced recruitment for the post of Assistant Registrar. The registration link for these posts has been opened and applications have started. Candidates who want to fill the form for these posts can apply by visiting the website. Applications will be online only, for this the address of the official website is – uppsc.up.nic.in. From here, along with applying, you can also know the details of these recruitments and can also stay informed about future updates.

Who can apply

Through this recruitment drive of UPPSC, eligible candidates will be appointed on a total of 38 posts of Assistant Registrar. As far as educational qualification is concerned, candidates who have graduated from a recognized university can apply for these recruitments. Along with this, they should have good experience of drafting in Hindi and English. Along with this, it is also necessary that they have worked in any government or university office for at least 7 years.

Along with the application, the candidate will also have to submit his experience certificate. Talking about the age limit, candidates between 30 to 45 years can apply. Reserved category will get relaxation in age limit as per government rules.

How will the selection be done

For selection on these posts, candidates will have to give exams at many levels. First of all a written exam will be conducted and those who pass it will give an interview. The date of the written exam has not been announced yet, it would be better to keep checking the official website from time to time for the latest information. After passing the written exam, you will have to give an interview and the selection will be final only after passing both the stages.

How much salary will you get

On being selected for the UPPSC Assistant Registrar post, candidates will be given salary as per Pay Level 10. These are Group B posts and for these, candidates will be given salary ranging from Rs 9300 to Rs 34800 per month. Apart from this, many other allowances will also be given.

how much will the fee be

To apply for the post of Assistant Registrar in Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission, candidates of General, EWS and OBC category will have to pay a fee of Rs 225. SC, ST and PWD, as well as ex-servicemen candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs 105. To get any further information in this regard, check the notice given on the official website.

Click on this direct link to apply,

Also read: Apply here for admission in JNV class 6, registration is ongoing

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