UPSC NDA 1, CDS Admit Card 2024 Out: Union Public Service Commission has released the admit card for National Defense Academy (NDA) and Combined Defense Services (CDS) Examination (I), 2024. Candidates who had registered for this examination can download the admit card by visiting the official site This exam will be conducted on 21 April 2024 at centers set up across the country. Candidates can download the admit card by following the steps given below.
This exam will be conducted in two shifts. The first shift will be conducted from 10 am to 12.30 pm and the first shift will be held from 2 pm to 4.30 pm. It is very important for the candidates to have admit card to take admission in the exam. Without admit card, no candidate will be allowed to enter the exam hall.
UPSC NDA 1, CDS Admit Card 2024 Out: These things have to be kept in mind
Candidates will not be able to carry any type of digital device in the examination hall. Candidates will be allowed to take only e-admit card, pen, pencil, identity proof, photograph and any other items specified in the instructions of e-admit card to the venue. Candidates are also advised to bring a black ball point pen to the examination hall for taking the examination. To check more details, candidates can take help of the official site.
UPSC NDA 1, CDS Admit Card 2024 Out: Download admit card like this
- Step 1: First of all candidates go to the official website of UPSC
- Step 2: Then go to the admit card section on the candidate homepage.
- Step 3: Now candidates click on the relevant link.
- Step 4: Then candidates enter their registration number and date of birth.
- Step 5: After this the candidates download the admit card.
- Step 6: Now the candidates take a print out of the admit card.
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