Uric acid is a chemical when the body breaks down substances called purines

Uric Acid: Uric acid can cause a disturbance in a person’s entire lifestyle. When the amount of purine in your diet is very high, then uric acid starts increasing in the body. Uric acid is a kind of body waste which is formed when purine breaks down.

The kidneys themselves filter uric acid and remove it from the body. But if it starts forming in the body in excess, then these acid crystals start accumulating in the joints and then joint pain begins. These crystals start accumulating in the joints of the fingers and toes. Due to which swelling and pain start occurring in the body. If there is a problem of increased uric acid in the body, then first of all improve your diet.

Do not eat these things because they increase uric acid in the body

Soybean: People who have high uric acid problem should not eat soybean or soy products at all. This is a food item that increases uric acid.

Seafood: Eating seafood like shrimp and sardines increases uric acid rapidly. Increase in uric acid also causes gout. In case of gout, the toe may also swell. Seafood should be eaten in limited quantities.

Soda: Nowadays eating outside food is not good for the body. Drinking soda and soft drinks is not good for health. Soft drinks may contain less purine but it contains more fructose. Which increases uric acid.

Red meat: If you eat too much red meat, it can increase uric acid levels in the body. If uric acid starts increasing, then non-veg should be reduced.

Alcohol: Drinking alcohol in large amounts increases uric acid. So if you have any problem in your body then stop drinking it.

If the level of uric acid in a person’s body is high, then one should avoid eating red meat in dinner. Eating things like red meat, minced meat, organ meat and seafood increases uric acid very rapidly.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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