URL – Kim Kardashian attends Anant Ambani Radhika Wedding, actress suffering from Psoriasis symptoms

URL – Kim Kardashian attends Anant Ambani Radhika Wedding, actress suffering from Psoriasis symptoms

: Kim Kardashian has psoriasis American actress Kim Kardashian has reached Mumbai to attend Anant Ambani’s wedding. Everyone was desperate to get a glimpse of her. Kim Kardashian, who rules everyone’s heart with her beauty and talent, has suffered from a disease like psoriasis. She informed about this some time ago. She told that at the age of 25, she saw spots on her feet for the first time.

At first, he thought it was a minor infection but gradually this disease started spreading all over the body. After which he came to know that he has psoriasis, for which there is no cure. He had to hide his spots with makeup and clothes. Know how dangerous a disease psoriasis is…

There is no cure for psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease which is quite dangerous. It can happen at any age and there is no cure for it. This means that it is a never-ending disease. It can only be controlled. People who already have some skin disease may be at greater risk from this disease.

Cause of psoriasis
According to health experts, psoriasis is caused by a defect in the immune system. In this disease, the immune system is overactive. This leads to the destruction of good cells of the body. This affects the skin. It starts with itching on the skin. If it is not taken care of on time, then this disease keeps on increasing and a scab starts forming on the skin. Sometimes wounds also form. The cause of cirrhosis can also be genetic.

Where does psoriasis have more impact
According to doctors, the most effect of psoriasis is seen on hands and back, then it can spread to the whole body. This disease becomes more dangerous with increasing age. It can be kept under control by maintaining proper diet and following skin care as per the doctor.

Side Effects of Psoriasis
According to health experts, mental health is also affected due to psoriasis. This happens because the patient of this disease avoids going out and meeting people. In this disease, a person starts feeling inferior. Due to which anxiety and depression start increasing.

How to prevent psoriasis

1. Do not keep the skin dry
2. Consult a doctor if you have itching problem
3. Do not drink alcohol
4. Use moisturizer on the skin

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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