US Supreme Court Controversy know why are American women getting abortions by drinking alcohol and taking herbs survey report

US Supreme Court Controversy know why are American women getting abortions by drinking alcohol and taking herbs survey report

june 2022 The US Supreme Court in ,Roe vs. Wade, The High Court’s decision on the issue of abortion in the case was overturned, Since then, there has been a ban on abortion in America., There is also protest against this, At the same time, this is also being considered a big issue in the upcoming elections in America., Meanwhile, a survey report has shocked everyone., This survey conducted in America has revealed that pregnant women there are adopting very strange methods to terminate their pregnancy,

Cases increased after the Supreme Court’s decision

The survey report published in the JAMA Network Open Journal states that before the Supreme Court’s decision 2.4 Percentage of women who had attempted abortion, At the same time, after the Supreme Court’s decision, the number of women who abort themselves increased. 3.3 The percentage has gone up,

Women are adopting these methods for abortion

Many women in America are adopting such methods to abort themselves that you will be surprised to know, The women included in the survey mentioned several methods for abortion, Some women reported using medications, including the emergency contraceptive and abortion drugs miroprostol and mifepristone, Which can also be taken without a doctor’s prescription. Some women are causing abortions by consuming contraceptive herbs.

Some women used alcohol or drugs, so that they have an abortion, At the same time, some women adopted very painful methods, like a punch in the stomach, self-harm, Lifting heavy objects or pushing objects into your body, After adopting these methods, many women also faced problems like bleeding, After which he had to go to the doctor, While some women had a miscarriage, there were some women who did not have a miscarriage even after adopting these methods.,

Why are women adopting such measures for abortion

The women included in the survey gave many reasons for getting an abortion on their own, take more care of privacy, The high cost of getting an abortion procedure done in a clinic and the preference for terminating one’s own pregnancy were cited as reasons,

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