Vastu Shastra For New House Do These Vastu Upay You Become Owner Of Own Home

Vastu Shastra For New House Do These Vastu Upay You Become Owner Of Own Home

Vastu Shastra for New Home: It is the dream of every person to have his own house, in which he can live happily with his whole family. For this he also works hard day and night.

Some people have a dream of their own house, because they get upset after spending their life in a rented house. Neither money can be saved in a rented house nor the house can ever be one’s own. Everyone dreams of their own home, but sometimes this dream is not fulfilled due to some reasons.

But you do not need to take tension. Some such measures have been told in Vastu Shastra, due to which your dream of own house or new house will be fulfilled soon and you will become the owner of the house from tenant. In fact, by doing these measures, the problems arising for the new house go away. Let us know about these measures.

  • Remedy of neem wood: If you have been thinking of buying a new house for a long time, but due to one reason or the other this dream is not being fulfilled. So for this you must do this remedy mentioned in Vastu Shastra. You first make a small house out of neem wood and donate it to a poor person. You can also give it as a gift to a small child. If both are not possible, then you should keep the house in a temple. By doing this remedy, the dream of a new house is fulfilled soon.
  • Worship Lakshmi ji: Along with wealth, the happiness and prosperity of the house is also associated with Maa Lakshmi. Therefore, even for buying a new house, you should establish Shreeyantra at home and do puja daily at home. By doing this remedy, with the grace of Maa Lakshmi, the yoga of a new house starts forming.
  • Donate these things: Feed lentils and jaggery to a white cow and its calf on Tuesdays. This remedy also fulfills the dream of your home.
  • Please Shani Dev: If you want to have your own house, please please Shani Maharaj first. Light a mustard oil lamp daily in the west direction and recite Shani Stotra and meditate for the new home. With this Shani Dev’s blessings are showered and you can become the owner of a new house in a few days.

read this also: Mangal Dosh: Do not be afraid of Mangal Dosh, first identify the symptoms and then follow this astrologer’s remedy

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that Does not represent, validate or verify information of any kind. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.

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