Venus Transit 2022 Shukra Gochar Rashi Parivartan Good Effect On Aries Virgo Capricorn

Venus Transit 2022 Shukra Gochar Rashi Parivartan Good Effect On Aries Virgo Capricorn

Venus Transit 2022, Shukra Gochar 2022 Good Effects: In astrology, Venus is considered to be the factor of material comforts, luxury and opulence. This is an auspicious planet. According to astrology, on December 29, at 04.13 pm, the planet Venus will enter Capricorn, the sign of Saturn, while changing its zodiac sign. Venus will remain in Capricorn till 22 January 2023. Shani Dev is already sitting in Capricorn. When it reaches Capricorn, it will also make alliance with Saturn. In such a situation, the transit of Venus has become especially fruitful for these zodiac signs. Let’s know about these zodiac signs: –

Vesper Transit From These zodiac signs to Will happen special profit

Sheep Amount , According to astrology, Venus is considered the lord of the second and seventh house for Aries people and it will transit through your 10th house. With the increase in responsibilities at the workplace, you will get both progress and money. There will be an increase in material comforts. Profit in business will increase.

Virgo Amount, According to astrology, Venus is considered the lord of the second and ninth house for Virgo. And their transit will be from your fifth house. This house is for the education, love and children of the native. Venus sitting in the fifth house will aspect your 11th house. This will lead to new love relationships. Women’s business will increase.

Capricorn Amount, For Capricorn people, Venus is the lord of fifth and tenth house. The transit of Venus will take place from the ascendant and the aspect of Venus will be on your seventh house. You will get auspicious benefits from this. You will get success in every work.

Pisces Amount, During this, he will get full support of luck. Money is becoming the sum of profit. Family life will be happy. There will be an increase in respect in the society.

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