Vermicompost farming You can become rich by starting earthworm farming with very little money

Vermicompost farming You can become rich by starting earthworm farming with very little money

Farmers are called the food providers of the country, many times farmers feed the country even at a loss. But if farmers and livestock farmers set up vermicompost units along with farming, then the cost of farming will also be reduced and earthworms will give farmers extra income. To reduce the risks of climate change in India, farmers are now promoting environment-friendly organic farming. Organic farming is said to be a means of more production and bumper profits at low cost. Earthworms play an important role in this. It helps in supplying nutrients to the soil, soil binding capacity, groundwater conservation and getting quality production.

Only 50 thousand will be spent

Along with farming, vermicompost is also proving to be important for farmers. If farmers set up vermicompost units along with farming, then the cost of farming will be reduced, and farmers can also earn additional income by selling vermicompost and earthworms. The cost of setting it up is also very low. For this, you will have to start earthworm compost business with 20 beds. It will cost 30 to 50 thousand which is very less compared to the rest. After investing 50 thousand, your business will start giving an annual income of 8 to 10 lakh rupees in about 2 years.

This is how earthworms make compost

If we believe the experts, then to start the business of earthworm compost, you should have vacant land. After this, the field has to be leveled and made suitable for earthworms. After this, you have to buy long and durable polyethylene tripole from the market. Then it has to be cut in 1.5 to 2 meters width and length according to the space. After this, spread the tripole and spread the cow dung on it. In this, keep in mind that the height of the cow dung should not be more than 1 to 1.5 feet. After this, mix the earthworms inside the cow dung. If you want to prepare 20 beds, then you will need about 100 kg of earthworms. After this, the earthworm compost will be ready in 1 month and you will also start getting income.

Features of fertilizer

It would not be wrong to call vermicompost the nectar of the soil, because with the help of earthworms, many nutrients and organic substances are decomposed in ordinary cow dung. This helps in better germination of seeds and the yield of plants increases rapidly. Vermicompost develops hormones that increase the growth of plants and also improves the structure of the soil.

With its help, the soil’s ability to absorb water and nutrients also develops and the soil gets rid of erosion. Compared to traditional manure, vermicompost increases the fixation of nitrogen in the soil and the atmosphere. The use of vermicompost in the fields does not require chemical fertilizers, which promotes environmentally friendly farming.

Also read: What is natural farming, why is the government emphasizing on it, know

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