VIDEO: Deer was seen waiting for the traffic to stop to cross the road, crossing the zebra crossing itself

VIDEO: Deer was seen waiting for the traffic to stop to cross the road, crossing the zebra crossing itself

Often we see that people take traffic rules lightly and never follow them properly. Many people think that traffic rules are made only to break them, but they do not understand that these rules are made only for their good. Humans may be ignorant of these rules, but animals are not like this at all. These days a video of a deer is going viral (deer cross road video) which is crossing the road and also seems to be following the rules made by humans.

A video (deer use zebra crossing to cross road video) has been posted in the form of reels on Facebook from an account named ‘Ron Adeola Olusola Aladeniyi’ which is becoming very viral. In this video, a deer is seen trying to cross the road but its intelligence is more than other animals and many humans as it seems to be waiting for the traffic to stop. You can watch this video by clicking here.

deer crossed the road
In the video, the deer is standing on the footpath facing the road. The surprising thing is that he is standing at the zebra crossing and is not even crossing the way between the passing vehicles. It is written on the video that it is from Japan. The vehicles are not stopping for him and he is also not entering the visible gap between the vehicles, but is completely waiting for them to stop. As soon as a car stops, it crosses that road through a zebra crossing.

People reacted to the video
This video has got more than 9 lakh likes while more than 10 thousand people have given their feedback by commenting. One said that it is interesting to see how intelligent animals are, just some people are not smart enough to appreciate the intelligence of animals. One said that animals have to adapt because humans have left no option for them. If they took all the land of the animals, they would have to convert themselves.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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