On Wednesday, the Excise Department team launched a special enforcement campaign against the prevention of illegal liquor, its irregular manufacturing and sale. During this time, the team conducted a surprise raid in Bhakhar of Revati police station area and a dozen furnaces for making illegal liquor were demolished. A case has been registered in the case. Due to departmental action, there was a situation of panic among those doing illegal liquor business. District Excise Vijay Kumar Shukla said that to stop the production and sale of illegal liquor in the district, the team formed under the leadership of Excise Inspector Dinesh Kumar destroyed about 500 kg of Lahan on the spot during a raid in Bhakhar village. Also, 70 liters of illegal raw liquor was seized and a case was registered. Told that the team included Excise Inspector Vinay Rai, Dinesh Kumar, Sandeep Yadav, Manoj Yadav, Vinod Kumar and departmental constables.