Video: Soup thrown on Monalisa’s painting, climate activists create ruckus in Paris museum

France News: Climate change activists targeted the painting of Monalisa in the Louvre Museum in Paris. Two female activists threw soup on the glass in front of the painting in the museum. Both the women had come close to the painting by dodging the security there. A video of this incident has surfaced, in which two women first throw soup on the painting from a short distance and then come close to the painting."text-align: justify;">Question shouted in French

It is seen in the video that after throwing soup on the painting, the security personnel present there put a black screen in front of the painting. According to Reuters report, both the activists went closer to the painting and shouted in French and asked, "What is more important, the right to art or a healthy and suitable food system?"

He further said in French that your agricultural system is bad. Our farmers are dying while working. Both these activists were representing the French organization Riposte Alimentaire. Later, a statement was issued by the climate activist saying that this protest was done so that the need for environment and food source could be highlighted.

ALERT – Des militants for the climate jetting the soup on the tableau of La Joconde in the Louvre Museum. @CLPRESSFR

— CLPRESS / Press Agency (@CLPRESSFR) January 28, 2024

Art has been targeted before also

Even before this, many activists have targeted Ort for raising awareness about climate change. Earlier in May 2022, during a protest, the glass in front of the Monalisa painting was pressed. Soup was thrown on Vincent Van Gogh’s Sunflower painting in the National Gallery in London in October 2022. 

According to BBC report, farmers recently protested in the French capital, demanding an end to the rising cost of fuel and changes in its rules.

Also read: Video: Muizzu’s cabinet clashed with opposition MPs in Maldives Parliament, fight during voting, created ruckus

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