Was Nero really playing the flute when Rome was burning? What is the truth

Was Nero really playing the flute when Rome was burning? What is the truth

Nero is known as one of the most cruel rulers in history. Who killed his mother, He got his step brothers and wives killed and married the eunuchs present in his court. In the 54th century AD, at the age of only sixteen, he became the king of such an empire due to the efforts of his mother."s1">. which extended from Spain to Britain in the north and Syria in the east. Her mother Angipina intrigued and manipulated the palace.โ€“By breaking the rules, Nero was given power.

Then when Nero took power, his mother Angippina was his closest advisor. Even Roman coins bore Neroโ€™s portrait alongside his own., But still, in his lust for power and independence, just five years after assuming power, he got his mother killed as part of a conspiracy. . He neither spared his half brothers nor his wives. In such a situation he was considered the most cruel ruler.

While the Romans were burning, Nero was playing the flute?

64th century Rome was burned to the ground. It was rumoured that the fire was started by Emperor Nero himself and it was later said that Nero was playing the flute while Rome burned. While talking to BBC about the incident of fire, historian Sushma Malik tells that at least two historians of the second and third century confirm that Nero himself had set fire to Rome . so that it can be recreated. Nero wanted to build his famous Golden House.

However, some historians also believe that Nero did not start the fire himself because his palace was also burnt to ashes in this fire. In a conversation with BBC, historian Matthew says that the flute was invented in the seventh century and there were no flutes during Neroโ€™s time.. Nero is also said to have played a musical instrument called a lyre. After this fire, Rome was completely destroyed, which was then rebuilt by Nero in a better way and it was built in such a way that in the future fires would not occur and spread on such a large scale..

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