Manmohan Singh Funeral Row: There is a tussle between Congress and BJP regarding the funeral of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The late leaders of Congress have merged into Panchatattva but politics continues in their name. In the latest development, a Congress leader has claimed that a conspiracy was being hatched during the last journey of Manmohan Singh.
Congress national coordinator Deepak Khatri has posted a video on social media platform X. Regarding which he said that the speed of Manmohan Singh’s last journey was deliberately increased. The Congress leader wrote, “Conspiracy here too? The speed of the vehicle carrying the mortal remains of Manmohan Singh ji was deliberately increased so that people were left behind. This is a humiliating and condemnable act. It is completely unacceptable to taint the tribute to Manmohan Singh ji in this manner.”
What’s in the video?
In the video shared by Congress leader Deepak Khatri, the last journey of Manmohan Singh is shown and people are seen walking at speed. Meanwhile, a voice is coming, “Upendra Saheb, can you increase the speed a little? Over.” After this it is said in reply, “Scott’s car is moving ahead sir, if they increase the speed then I increase it.” Although ABP News does not confirm this video.
Conspiracy here too??
The speed of the vehicle carrying the mortal remains of Manmohan Singh ji was deliberately increased so that people could be left behind. This is a humiliating and condemnable act.
It is completely unacceptable to defile Manmohan Singh ji’s tribute in this manner.
—Deepak Khatri (@Deepakkhatri812) December 30, 2024
Chaos over Manmohan Singh’s funeral
On one hand, while the Congress is accusing the ruling party BJP regarding the funeral of the former PM, that chaos was seen during it, on the other hand, the BJP is saying that the last rites were performed as per the rules. On the allegation of not giving land for building the memorial, BJP President JP Nadda said that this information has been given to Manmohan Singh’s family. For the past few days, two big political parties of the country are at loggerheads on this issue.