Water fasting is effective in losing weight fast, know what experts say

Water fasting is effective in losing weight fast, know what experts say

The trend of fasting has increased a lot these days. This has become a major method for weight loss. There is science behind it and many studies support it, but fasting for a limited time (1-2 days) is generally considered correct. Prolonged fasting can cause deficiency of nutrients in the body and harm to the body. Fasting can affect blood sugar level, BP and cholesterol level. It is important to drink enough water while fasting, this will prevent dehydration. 

Some research has shown that prolonged fasting can reduce body fat percentage. But this effect is minimal. As soon as you eat food, your fat will increase. Fasting can reduce overall body weight, but it does not specifically reduce fat. Along with fasting, it is important for you to do regular exercise and calorie control, it is not that fasting alone will not have much effect on the body. Fasting can increase metabolism, but it is not the right way to lose fat. 

Short Term Weight Loss

In the beginning, fasting may cause rapid weight loss, but it is mostly water weight. After fasting, weight loss may stagnate or increase again. Let’s understand this. When we eat food, excess energy is stored in the body in the form of glycogen. This glycogen is stored in our liver and muscles. When you fast, the body first uses this glycogen as energy. When glycogen stores are depleted, the body begins to use fat stores for energy. This is the reason why fasting for a long time leads to weight loss. But this method is not considered correct. 

Know what the research says 

According to research, fasting for a long time can lead to a slight decrease in the percentage of body fat. Nevertheless, for fat loss, it is important to do exercise and calorie control along with regular fasting. 

Disclaimer: Before implementing the method, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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