Watermelon juice gives energy increase immunity helpful in heatstroke easy to make at home

Watermelon juice gives energy increase immunity helpful in heatstroke easy to make at home


Watermelon juice helps in preventing heat stroke in summer.
Nutrient-rich watermelon contains more than 90 percent water.

How to make Watermelon Juice: As soon as the summer season comes, watermelons have started appearing in the markets. Watermelon, which fulfills the shortage of water, is very beneficial for health. Consumption of watermelon does not allow the body to dehydrate. By drinking watermelon juice in the summer season, energy remains throughout the day. Along with this, the risk of heat stroke remains very less even in the midst of heatwave. Overall, watermelon juice is very helpful in maintaining the coolness and freshness of the body. You can start the day with this healthy juice.
Making watermelon juice is also very easy and it is full of taste. If you are worried about your health in summer, then you can include watermelon juice in your daily diet. Drinking watermelon juice before leaving the house can prove to be very beneficial. Let’s know how to make watermelon juice.

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Ingredients to make Watermelon Juice
Watermelon cut – 3 cups
Mint leaves – 1 tbsp
Black salt – 1/2 tsp
China – 1 tsp
Lemon – 1/2
Ice cubes – 4-5 (optional)

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Watermelon Juice Recipe
Watermelon juice is very helpful in staying healthy in the summer season. To make watermelon juice, first take out the seeds of watermelon and then cut it into pieces. After this, take mint leaves and cut them too finely. Now put watermelon pieces and mint leaves in the mixer jar. After this add black salt and sugar in the jar and grind them. When the smooth mixture is ready, stop the mixer. Now after opening the lid of the jar, mix lemon juice in it.

After this, mix lemon juice well with the help of a spoon. After this, with the help of a strainer, filter the prepared watermelon juice in a vessel. After this take a serving glass and pour the prepared juice into it. Put 2-3 ice cubes in the glass from above and garnish with mint leaves. If you start the day with healthy watermelon juice, it will help in keeping you full of energy throughout the day.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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