WBJEE 2023 Information Bulletin Released: The information bulletin of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) has been released. Those candidates who are taking the WBJEE exam this time can check the bulletin by visiting the official website. To do this, the official website address of the West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board is β www.wbjee.nic.in
Exam will be held on this date
According to the information given in the information bulletin, the board will conduct the WBJEE exam on April 30, 2023. The exam will be conducted in two shifts. The timing of the first shift will be from 11 am to 1 pm. The timing of the second shift will be from 2 pm to 4 pm. Candidates should keep in mind that this date is tentative and subject to change. Keep checking the official website from time to time for latest updates.
what is written in the notice
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According to the information given in the notice issued in this regard, βWBJEEB, Academic Session 2023 for Undergraduate Courses in Engineering / Technology, Pharmacy and Architecture of Various Universities, Government Colleges as well as Self-Financed Engineering / Technical Institutions in the State of West Bengal- 24 will conduct the OMR based Common Entrance Examination (WBJEE-2023) for admission in ,
Exam pattern will be like this
According to the information given in the bulletin, all the questions in the exam will be multiple choice. Four options will be given for each question out of which one will be correct. There will be three categories of questions in each subject.
Download information bulletin like this
- To download the information bulletin, first of all visit the official website i.e. wbjee.nic.in.
- After this click on the WBJEE button. After doing this a new page will open on which you will see β βBulletin WBJEE β 2023 β Final (08.12.2022)β.
- By clicking on it, the bulletin will appear on the computer screen.
- Download it from here and take out a copy if you want. This may come in handy in future.
- In this, they will get the criteria to admit card details, fee payment and other important details. Click here to view the notice.
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