Weight loss and diabetes drug semaglutide may develop risk of blindness, know study

Weight loss and diabetes drug semaglutide may develop risk of blindness, know study

Diabetes is such a disease in which abstinence as well as medication is necessary. Nowadays, Semaglutide is being added to diabetes medicines which is quite popular. If seen, these medicines are being used for weight loss along with diabetes. But continuous intake of these medicines can hamper your eyesight. A recent study has revealed that these medicines being taken for the treatment of diabetes and obesity can cause the risk of blindness.

Use of semaglutide can cause blindness

A study published in JAMA Ophthalmology says that Ozempic or Wegovy, a medicine given for weight loss and diabetes, can cause blindness. Both these medicines contain an ingredient called (semaglutide), which can cause blindness. After this study, researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Hospital said that due to the presence of semaglutide in these medicines used for obesity and sugar, the risk of loss of eyesight i.e. NAION eye stroke of the people taking them is 7 percent higher than the rest of the people.

Health experts say that NAION is a rare eye disease in which optic nerve blindness occurs. During this period, the vision of the eye starts to decrease without any pain in the eye and then the vision stops completely. It is said that the optic nerve is damaged due to reduced blood flow in the brain and due to this there is a risk of losing the vision of one eye. Let us tell you that this disease is currently incurable.

Study done on 12 thousand people
The study found that people who are taking medicines containing semaglutide components like Ozempic or Wegovy have very high levels of semaglutide in their blood and this can cause optic nerve damage. For this, the researchers studied more than 17 thousand people for six years. Those taking these medicines for obesity and diabetes were kept in a separate group from the sugar patients taking other medicines.

After this, the patients of the group taking semaglutide and other medicines were compared. This comparative study showed that the risk of developing NAION was higher in patients taking semaglutide than in patients taking other medicines. Let us tell you that semaglutide has been used in weight loss and diabetes medicines for a long time. Semaglutide, developed for the treatment of diabetes 2, is also mixed in many other medicines.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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