Weight Loss Diet: Woman ate this fish in just 3 months, and lost 15 kg of weight, you will be stunned to know the benefits – woman lost 15 kg weight in 3 months just by eating fish doctor surprised

Weight Loss Diet: Woman ate this fish in just 3 months, and lost 15 kg of weight, you will be stunned to know the benefits – woman lost 15 kg weight in 3 months just by eating fish doctor surprised

Eating fish is considered beneficial for health. But can you imagine that you will lose weight by eating fish? Experts say that if you are so fond of eating fish, then eat it by grilling or baking it. This will be very beneficial. But yes, one should never eat fish in large quantities. But a woman claims that she has reduced her weight by 15 kg by eating only fish for 3 months. Even the doctors are surprised to see him.

According to the report of New York Post, Jane Crummett, a resident of Florida, is 62 years old and has recently retired. His weight a few months ago was 240 pounds i.e. about 109 kg. She was so upset that it became difficult to walk. She met a doctor, who told her all kinds of problems. Banned on eating and drinking many things. But even this was of no use. Crummett said, there was severe pain in my legs. There was swelling. I felt very hungry, because of this I used to eat anything.

Dr. Boj told a unique way to lose weight
Crummett said, I was lost, but then I found Dr. Annette Bosworth. The method of weight loss he told was surprising. Bosworth, popularly known as Dr. Boz, gave me the idea of ​​going on a ‘fish fast’. You must be wondering what is this? Dr. Boz said that I should eat only sardine fish for three months. This will result in rapid weight loss. At first I felt strange, but when he told me its benefits, I was also surprised. Told that this fish digests food very fast. It burns body fat rapidly and converts it into energy. Dr. Boj himself has shared its story on his YouTube channel.

Benefits of eating sardine fish
Then, Crummet started eating sardine fish every day. This is an oily fish. Despite this, she eats four tins of sardines every day. With this they get about 1500 calories daily. Before starting this experiment, Crummett used to measure her weight daily. But it was not reducing. But amazing changes started appearing after just two weeks of eating fish. His weight decreased by 12 pounds. His weight decreased by 15 kg in three months. This is such a beneficial fish that doctors in America advise sick people to eat it. Sardine fish is rich in brain-benefiting omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin D and calcium. Calories are very low. Crummett’s body changed so rapidly that even the doctors were surprised.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, Health News, weight loss

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