What Are The Best Tips For Healthy Digestion And Ayurvedic Golden Rules For Digestion

What Are The Best Tips For Healthy Digestion And Ayurvedic Golden Rules For Digestion

Healthy Digestion: How many tastes are there in food? This question may surprise you… Then you will say sweet, salty and sour, add bitter as well… On this we will say that these are only 4 but there are 6 types of taste of food! Come, today we are telling you about these 6 tastes of food. Along with this, they are also telling why they should be eaten together. How do they help in improving digestion and the stomach gets cleaned easily in the morning. Before this, know the golden Ayurvedic rule of digestion…

Ways to make the digestive system healthy

  • Include the taste of all 6 methods in your plate and eat them together in every meal.
  • Keep a gap of at least 3 hours between every two meals and do not eat anything repeatedly or in between.
  • Consume herbal tea in between two meals. For example, black-tea, basil-tea, cumin-tea or ajwain leaves tea etc.
  • Take your heaviest diet in the afternoon. That means your lunch should be heavier than your breakfast and dinner.

How many tastes are there in food?

  1. sweet
  2. sour
  3. Salty
  4. Bitter
  5. Spicy
  6. bitter

How to include all the taste in food?

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To include all the taste in the food, you should include salt, lemon, pickle, black pepper prepared papad, jaggery, raw onion, asafoetida etc. in your plate.

How is it beneficial?

  • When you include all these 6 tastes of food in small amounts in your plate, then your body’s mechanism will get full support of energy and juice. The essence that the body gets by eating these foods together is called bio-diverse energetic palate in the language of Ayurveda.
  • Before going to sleep at night ie whenever you go to bed, food should be eaten 3 hours before that. Due to this, digestion is done well. If 3 hours is not possible then you must keep a gap of 2 hours. Otherwise, the stomach will start coming out and the problem of constipation will also increase.
  • If you drink tea in between two meals, it not only gives you taste but also gives you energy. But keep in mind that tea should not be more than one cup.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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