what are the major symptoms of ear infections read full article in hindi

what are the major symptoms of ear infections read full article in hindi

Getting wet in the rain can sometimes cause ear pain or heaviness. Sometimes ear pain is also caused by swelling of ear wax. In such a situation, do not clean your ears yourself even by mistake. This can increase your problem further. Know how to clean ears at home.

In the rainy season, itching, infection and water entering the ear increases the risk of ear wax swelling. In such a situation, when you clean the ear or remove the wax, it can cause ear infection. At the same time, some people often start cleaning inside the ear with sharp objects like keys, toothpicks and matches.

These sharp objects can damage the eardrum. This can cause problems in your ears. The wax deposited in the ear can cause problems in our ears.

Symptoms of an ear infection

Persistent ear ache

Ears often feel full

Sometimes you can’t hear anything at all

Even if there is no sound, the ears

Helps to protect the ears. If the wax has increased too much, then go to the doctor and get it removed or if you are removing it yourself then take special care. Let us know whether the ears should be cleaned or not and if you are cleaning them then what things should not be used at all.

Why is there wax in the ears?

Whenever you clean your ears, you remove earwax, which you think is accumulated dirt. But this is earwax which protects the ears from drying. Let us tell you that this wax has antibacterial properties which automatically clean the ears from inside. This wax protects the ears from many types of problems.

Earwax acts like a filter to protect your ears. This wax protects your ears from dirt, dust etc. and prevents it from entering inside the ears. When you try to clean your ears, many times the risk of infection increases. Sometimes, if the infection increases, hearing may stop and the ear may get damaged from inside.

Should the ears be cleaned?

According to doctors, one should never clean the ears by oneself. If there is a feeling of heaviness or fullness in the ears due to wax, then the ears can be cleaned at home as well. Many times there is a problem in hearing due to increased wax and blockage. In such a situation, do not clean the ears by yourself at all.

How to clean your ears

First of all take a clean cotton cloth. Now put a few drops of baby oil in the ears and leave it like this for some time. Now try to remove the extra wax accumulated in the ears slowly with the cloth. Remember, never use any sharp object to clean the ears.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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