What did ‘the world’s most dreaded king’ look like? His real face revealed after 450 years, he had killed his own son!

What did ‘the world’s most dreaded king’ look like? His real face revealed after 450 years, he had killed his own son!

There have been many dangerous kings in the world, who tortured their subjects a lot, killed their enemies and treated them so badly that anyone who hears about them is shocked. Who was the most dangerous and dreadful, it depends on the opinion of different people, however, the people of Russia consider one of their kings to be the most dangerous and dreadful king of the world. The name of this king who lived in the 16th century was Ivan (Ivan IV Vasilyevich) but history remembers him as Ivan the Terrible. About 450 years after his time, scientists have now found out what he actually looked like.

According to the New York Post News website, scientists have given a face to Russia’s most dangerous dictator (Ivan the terrible face recreated). Brazilian graphic designer Cicero Moraes has done this feat. He had earlier created the faces of many big names in history with graphics. Ivan died 440 years ago in 1584. One thing that is famous about him is that in 1581, he killed his own son in anger. Apart from this, he used to kill traitors and feed them to dogs.

Ivan is accused of killing his own son. (Photo: Twitter/@FXMC1957)

the face of a dictator
To create this face, Cicero gathered all the data available on Ivan and brought it together. Soviet researcher Mikhail Gerasimov excavated Ivan’s grave in 1963. Cicero created the face based on the facts found from this excavation. According to Mikhail’s research, Ivan must have been eating too much and also consuming a lot of alcohol. Due to this, his health must have deteriorated a lot in the last days of his life. In the research, mercury was found in large quantities in his body. Then the researchers claimed that either he must have been poisoned, or mercury must have been used for treatment at that time, due to which there was mercury in his body. It is said about him that when he was young, he was tall, broad-chested, had beautiful hair and an attractive face. With the help of all such information, Cicero designed Ivan’s face with the help of graphics.

built a famous church
Let us tell you that Ivan himself had ordered the construction of the world famous Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. It is said that he blinded the architect of the church, Postnik Yakovlev, after the construction so that he could not create such beautiful designs again. According to the Daily Star, Ivan had formed Oprichnina in Russia for the first time. This was Russia’s first secret police force. Through this force, he tortured the rest of the high-ranking people of his state so that no one could ever stand against him.

Tags: Amazing news, Trending news, Weird news

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