What Happens If You Eat Pickles or Sour Foods During Periods Learn Expert Advice

What Happens If You Eat Pickles or Sour Foods During Periods Learn Expert Advice

Women are often advised to avoid eating pickles or sour foods during periods. Does doing so really make a difference? Can eating pickles and sour foods increase problems during periods? Let’s know the experts’ opinion and understand what effect these foods can have on your health.

Abdominal pain and bloating
Women often face stomach pain and bloating during periods. Eating pickles and sour foods at such times can increase the acidity in the stomach. Acidity can increase stomach irritation and pain, which can make you feel even more uncomfortable. Therefore, it is better to avoid eating pickles and sour foods during periods. One should take a light and nutritious diet so that stomach pain and swelling can be reduced and you can feel comfortable.

Effects on the digestive system
Pickles and sour foods contain spices and acids, which can affect your digestive system. The digestive system is already sensitive during periods, and eating sour foods can increase digestive problems. Therefore, it is better to avoid sour and spicy foods during these days so that digestion remains good and there is no problem.

Effects on the skin
Hormonal changes during periods can cause pimples and acne on the skin. Pickles and sour foods contain spices and oils, which can further aggravate these problems. Therefore, pickles and sour foods should be avoided during these days so that skin problems do not increase and your skin remains clean and healthy.

mood swings
Mood swings are normal during periods. Eating sour and spicy foods can increase these mood swings, as these foods increase acidity and discomfort in the stomach. Therefore, sour and spicy foods should be avoided during these days to reduce mood swings and make you feel more comfortable.

Expert opinion

  • Eat light and nutritious food during periods.
  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid too much spicy and sour foods.
  • Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.
  • If you feel like eating pickles or something sour, take a small quantity and see how your body reacts.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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