What happens to your body if you sleep after midnight every day

What happens to your body if you sleep after midnight every day

Due to today’s modern lifestyle and busy schedule, most people stay awake till late night. Or in other words, there are many people who sleep only after 1 or 2 o’clock in the night. When people are free from their office work, they become busy on their phones. He remains busy with some work or the other. A special word has been used for this entire situation. Revenge Bedtime Procrastination. This habit gives us peace for some time but it can prove to be very dangerous for our health.

These special changes start happening in the body after sleeping late at night

According to the news published in Indian Express, Dr. Dilip Gude, Senior Consultant Physician of Yashoda Hospital, sleeping late at night has dangerous effects on our body. When we do not get proper sleep, a natural repair cycle starts happening in the body. Due to which many problems start occurring in our body. Like stress, digestive problems, digestive disorders, mental health disorders, anxiety, depression and bipolar disorder.

Disadvantages of sleeping late at night

Sleeping late at night completely disturbs the circadian rhythm of the body. Due to this, many types of damages start happening in the body. The entire hormonal system of the body does not function properly. Apart from this, many changes also start taking place in digestion.

If you are sleeping till late night for a long time then there may be many problems in your concentration. Along with memory, mental alertness can also deteriorate.

Hormones like cortisol and stress start appearing in the body. Due to this, the problem of stress, anxiety and weight gain starts.

Due to lack of sleep our immunity starts weakening. You start falling ill very often.

Metabolism starts decreasing due to sleeping late at night. Due to which weight starts increasing.

If you want to avoid these diseases then follow a special schedule.

Create a sleep schedule

Schedule your time to sleep and wake up. Fix your sleep cycle.

Do a bedtime ritual

Do a bedtime ritual before sleeping. So that your mind remains calm. Like reading a book, light stretching so that the body can get rest.

Don’t stay on the phone for too long

Before sleeping, switch off the phone and keep it in the site. Stay away from screens one hour before sleeping. Especially do not come in contact with electronic devices that emit blue light.

read this also: Often people make this mistake while eating at night, be careful in time… otherwise it will become difficult!

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