Mobile Charging: Many people charge the phone during the day, then many people put the phone on charging for the whole night. People even go to sleep by putting the phone on charging, it seems that if they wake up in the morning, they will get good phone charge. You might do it too, but this habit brings with it many questions, like will it drain the battery faster? Or will the danger of explosion in mobile remain? What will happen to the phone after 100% charge? Today we are going to answer many similar questions that come to your mind.
put the phone on charging at night
For many people, charging the phone at night is a convenient option. Due to this, the phone gets fully charged at night and then it is used for the whole day. Although, if you sleep for 6 to 8 hours, it does not take that much time to charge the phone. In such a situation, how correct is it to charge the phone for 6 to 8 hours? When the phone gets 100% charged in a few minutes, then what happens if the phone is connected to charging even after that?
What happens when there is 100% charging?
A phone is not called a smartphone just like that. They have become really smart. As soon as 100% charging is done, your smartphone stops charging. However, this was not the case with old mobile phones, but now smartphones have such a charging circuit that stops taking the supply after the battery is 100% charged. The Snapdragon processor found in the smartphone is so smart that it stops charging when the mobile battery is full. After this, as soon as the battery reaches 90%, it starts charging again.
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