What is altitude sickness which took the life of a young man from Noida Chinmay Sharma death news

What is altitude sickness which took the life of a young man from Noida Chinmay Sharma death news

Chinmay Sharma, a resident of Noida, died on 29 August. 27-year-old Chinmay died due to altitude sickness. Altitude sickness, which is also known as mountain disease or high altitude disease in Hindi, is a serious medical condition.

This disease occurs to people due to lack of oxygen at high altitudes. Generally, this disease affects those people who rapidly go to areas above sea level. Especially when the altitude is more than 8,000 feet. Let us tell you about it in detail in this article today.

What does the effect of this disease on the body look like

The main reason for altitude sickness is the reduction of atmospheric pressure at high altitude. Actually, as we go to a higher altitude, the air pressure decreases and along with it the oxygen level also starts decreasing. In such a situation, the body does not get the amount of oxygen it needs to function normally.

Gradually, the effect of lack of oxygen starts showing on different parts of the body. Especially the lungs are affected the most. Actually, due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure, the amount of oxygen in the lungs starts decreasing, due to which the level of oxygen in the blood also starts decreasing. Due to this, the brain and muscles are deeply affected and gradually the body parts start becoming numb.

There are three levels of altitude sickness

There are three levels of altitude sickness which are divided based on their severity. The first is acute mountain sickness. The second level is high altitude cerebral edema and the third level is high altitude pulmonary edema.

Acute Mountain Sickness

This is the earliest stage. It starts with mild symptoms. You may have problems like headache, fatigue, dizziness and nausea. It usually occurs to a person at an altitude of 8,000 to 12,000 feet.

High Altitude Cerebral Edema

This level is a severe form of altitude sickness. In this condition, the brain gets swollen. Talking about its symptoms, it includes severe headache, confusion and even fainting. Sometimes this condition becomes life-threatening and requires immediate treatment.

High Altitude Pulmonary Edema

This is a very serious condition. In this condition, fluid gets accumulated in the lungs. Talking about its symptoms, it causes difficulty in breathing, chest pain and feeling of tiredness. In this condition, if the right treatment is not received immediately, then the person dies.

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