What is endometriosis? Why does it cause problems in becoming a mother? Know the opinion of experts

What is endometriosis? Why does it cause problems in becoming a mother? Know the opinion of experts

Endometriosis is a problem in which the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium) starts growing outside the uterus. It can cause many health problems for women, the biggest of which is difficulty in conceiving. Due to this condition, women may face difficulty in becoming mothers. Experts believe that timely treatment and proper care of endometriosis can help control this problem, which can increase the chances of pregnancy."text-align: justify;">What is endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a condition in which the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) starts growing in organs outside the uterus. This tissue can spread to the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, and other organs. Due to this, women may experience severe pain, swelling and other problems, especially during menstruation. 

Why are there problems in becoming a mother?
Endometriosis can cause inflammation and wounds in the reproductive organs of women, which disrupts the functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. This makes it difficult for the egg and sperm to meet, which hinders pregnancy. Apart from this, endometriosis can cause adhesion between the organs present in the pelvic region, which also makes it difficult for the egg to implant in the uterus.

Know what the experts say
Experts believe that it is very important to get timely treatment for endometriosis, especially for women who want to become mothers. It can be treated through medicines, hormone therapy, or surgery. If not treated at the right time, this problem can become serious, and women may have to face infertility. 

Know what to do? 
If you are experiencing frequent abdominal pain, unusually severe pain during menstruation, or difficulty in conceiving, contact a doctor immediately. Endometriosis can be identified by tests such as ultrasound or laparoscopy. 

Get treatment on time
Getting treatment on time not only provides relief from pain but also increases the chances of pregnancy. For this, take the medicines prescribed by the doctor, improve your lifestyle and if necessary, consider the option of surgery. With the right treatment of endometriosis, women can fulfill their dream of becoming a mother.

"ltr">Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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