what is nikah mutah where marriage takes place for two or three months also made an agreement know details

what is nikah mutah where marriage takes place for two or three months also made an agreement know details

Every religion has different types of traditions and customs,customs are followed, Although every religion has its own bad practices too., Despite many people opposing her, she is still going ahead., Today we are going to tell you about one such bad practice., Which is no less than a curse for women, In this practice a man marries a woman for only two or three months, For which a proper agreement is also made, This practice is known as Mutaha practice,

what is mu’taha nikah,

Mutaha Nikah is prevalent in Muslim religion, After triple talaq, the practice on which Muslim women are demanding a ban is Mutaha Nikah, Actually the word Mutaha means happiness, fun or profit, This word itself raises questions on a sacred relationship like marriage,

According to a report, Temporary marriage or Mutah Nikah is an ancient Islamic practice, This practice binds a man and a woman in a relationship of marriage but only for a limited period of time, It is said that thousands of years ago men used this practice to keep their wives with them for short periods of time while traveling long distances, Reports have revealed that Sunni Muslims do not follow Nikah Mutaha, But such marriages are permitted among Shias,

Mutaha marriage takes place with terms and conditions

According to a website, Nikah Mutaha has certain mandatory conditions and rules which include the age of both the parties 15 must be more than one year, There is no restriction on the number of wives, Consent of both the parties is mandatory, The period of royalty and dowry should be mentioned in the nikahnama, A physical relationship can develop between the two parties, this relationship will be valid, Children born out of such marriage shall be deemed to be legitimate and the mother,They will have rights over the property of both their fathers, Mutah wife cannot claim maintenance under personal law, Apart from this, divorce is not allowed in Mutaha marriage., Many people associate this marriage with prostitution,

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