What Is The Best Home Remedy For Constipation And Hard Stool How To Prevent Piles With Diy Tips

What Is The Best Home Remedy For Constipation And Hard Stool How To Prevent Piles With Diy Tips

How To Cure Constipation: In today’s time, most people are troubled by the problem of constipation. Among the diseases that are most common in today’s time, constipation is also included in the list of top most diseases. Due to constipation, sometimes there are problems like gas, indigestion, sour belching, flatulence, sometimes the stool is very hard and one has to face pain while passing the motion.

Having hard stool is not a disease in itself. But due to this many types of diseases can occur. For example, people who are often constipated and have hard stools have to strain more to pass a motion, which increases the risk of intestinal ulcers. Piles also starts due to constipation in most of the cases. If constipation becomes chronic, then the health starts to decline very fast and many types of metabolic diseases start to develop. Constipation for a long time, in many cases, also becomes the cause of cancer of the anus. Therefore, the problem of hard stool and chronic constipation should never be taken lightly.

What to do to soften the motion?

Along with some basic things to avoid hard stool and ease the motion, we have also brought here a home recipe prepared from cow’s ghee for you. First know some basic tips and then know the details of the recipe…

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  • Everyday drinking enough water is a must.
  • Consume more vegetables and fruits. Through these, fibers, roughage or fiber go into the body, which cleans the stomach.
  • Stop eating things made of white flour immediately. Flour sticks to the intestines and increases constipation.
  • Must drink buttermilk tempered with cumin and asafoetida in lunch.
  • Eat less sweet things and reduce the intake of tea and coffee.
  • Change the habit of eating late at night and do a slow walk of 30 minutes after eating.
  • People who wake up late at night often have the problem of constipation.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables like guava, pineapple, papaya, orange, cucumber every day.

What is the home remedy for hard motion?

To harden the stool, you should consume cow’s ghee in a special way.

  • You add one spoon of pure ghee of desi cow in a glass of hot milk and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.
  • If you have problem in drinking milk, then first eat one spoon of cow’s ghee and then drink hot water.
  • Keep in mind, you have to adopt this method on an empty stomach. And ghee should be of desi cow and completely pure.
  • Even after 2 hours of having dinner, if you add one spoon of cow’s ghee in cow’s milk and consume it, then it will be easy to get relief from constipation.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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